Risk of Pain is a hardcore puzzle platformer that challenges you to complete many challenging levels. In the game you will have to solve puzzles at every turn and overcome deadly traps on your way to …
IndieGala's DRM-free version of BekkerDev Studio's 80s/90s action movie-inspired top down shooter game Deadfall has been made a temporary freebie game ONLY on the IndieGala store. For …
Another freebie from Indiegala. Shinobi Shift The game it's available on Steam for the price of A$14.50 with 100% Positive reviews. Description Shinobi Shift is a first-person platformer …
Another freebie from Indiegala - I believe this one is a new one. From the website: Deep Despair is a retro-styled survival sandbox. The game repeats many of the mechanics of the notorious …
Another freebie from Indiegala - this one is a new one so grab it while it is available. The game is rated "very positive" on Steam! Steam page (for info ONLY); …