Mortgage Broker Sydney Area?

Hi all,

I am looking for recommendations for a good mortgage broker in the sydney area, as per title. I just started looking at properties, hence integrated solutions (buyer's agent + mortgage) would also be interesting, if worth it.


  • +1

    No need to restrict yourself to Sydney area. Mortgage brokers don't need any face to face meetings and operate entirely on phone and email.

  • Ive used mortgage better (John Kim) and would recommend him

  • +2

    If your situation is straightforward, find one of those kickback brokers, they share the trail commission with you so your rate is 0.1 or 0.2 lower than otherwise. Or apply directly to one of those tier 2 lenders offering the lowest rates.

    If your situation is less straightforward (biz incomes, trust income, shares, 4th purchase etc) that's when you need a better broker.

  • -1

    If you would like a sit down meeting in Marrickville or Cabramatta, I highly recommend Loan Lounge. Of course, phone/zoom consults are also easily available.

  • I think my situation is straightforward but for one thing: I have a 3 years probation period on my job contract (fairly typical in my field)

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