Side Hustle/Extra Income Ideas

Hi OZB community

I am after some ideas to earn some extra income each week. I am only thinking $100 per week and would ideally like something that is flexible as I have 2 children under 3.

I have thought about doing some bar work on weekends but I would prefer something more flexible that I could do throughout the week.

I look forward to hearing your suggestions




  • +5

    Sell ice popsicle's, snacks, covid rat testing along the queues for covid testing.

  • Garage sale?

  • +1

    sometimes invest in yourself is the best option, further education, learn new thing from there other avenue may open ups

    in my early 20s, I have a lot of spare times so I decided to learn about properties and shares investment, every day I would spent a
    few hours reading, from basic money principles, to saving, to safe guard your capital, to risk management.
    on my way to work I put on audio books on the iPod, every time I got a of large block of time I learn the art of investment.

    that was my side hustle though I didn't know at the time because it makes me no money but that knowledge now is my massive advantage and now my massive side
    Hustle through endless stream of passive income through boom and bust, it varies through the cycle of boom and bust but has never ever stopped once since day 1 till N day

  • +1

    I'm also looking for a sidehustle I can do while I'm at work. I only need to do 2 hours of the 7.6 hours there, so I have like 5 hours free. I tried day trading crypto and ASX but I've been losing heaps of money from that instead :(

    • do you work from home or work from work? If work from home then matched betting might be a good option for you

      • I work at work, but no one can see my monitor so I can do whatever.

        Trying to ask to WFH 2-3 days a week but my work is anti WFH

        What is matched betting?

        • There is some discussion further up in the thread on matched betting. Have a read and PM if you want.

  • +2

    There are a number of market research firms around that pay $60-$100 per survey for a 1-2 hours work.

    Try Market Research Melbourne

    cheers Peter

    • I'll look into it

      • Also check out Read Recruitment Services

        I haven't used them myself but I signed up with them and they have sent me plenty of market research opportunities.

  • +2

    Flip items on Facebook marketplace or Gumtree, depending on your knowledge and experience you can easily earn $1000+ on good weeks

    Example of my recent flips:

    Gaming Laptop running slow - $400
    Incorrect charger (not enough power), repasted to reduce thermal throttle. Flipped for $800

    Gaming Laptop making weird sound - $400
    Googled why, lubed both CPU and GPU fans and repasted. Flipped for $750

    External GPU Closure - $400
    Sold GPU for $500, closure kept (valued at $250)

    Gaming PC - $500
    Sold GPU for $450, rest of components for $350

    HTPC - $90
    Sold CPU for $200, rest of components for $150

    There's HEAPS of listing that miss out on so much money simply by having a shitty description. I usually ask for more details or even give them the steps to get the info I need.

  • Focus on training within your primary skill first, or retrain in spare time - education investment over time in low paying work.

    Many (mostly non client / customer facing) office jobs will remain predominantly remote into the future. Consider these jobs if retraining (especially IT), they'll provide lifestyle flexibility that may open all sorts of opportunity in the future.

    Don't settle for a nesting wife / girlfriend. Equality, remember? Get off your backside and do your share of the cooking / cleaning / house stuff, she gets a job.

    Invest with people you trust, if you can. I've done many things with my brother, cheap debt is great to take advantage of atm… Don't go overboard but focusing on paying down mortgage debt right now isn't the best option (may have missed to boat on this).

    If you're in fine physical shape - Gigolo?

  • +1
    Merged from A Good Weekend (or evening) Job

    I'm looking for second job that I could do on a weekend, or perhaps after my regular job (9-5). What are good options? So far everything I've found is all week work or sometimes says something like, "You must be flexible to work days and weekend work". Obviously I can't work during the weekdays.

    Background- Male, late 30s, physically fit and smart enough I guess. I currently work in IT, so last thing I want to do is work another shift of IT. Happy to work at a warehouse, factory etc.

    • +2

      "You must be flexible to work days and weekend work"

      Probably "cold calling" or something. There's a reason they don't give you much information in these ads, so don't expect anything out of those!

      For weekend work, retail might be okay - the pay obviously won't be anything like your IT role, but it'll give you a balance between mental work during the week and people/physical work during the weekend.

      When you do weekend work that's at minimal wage, remember to factor in your marginal tax rate. Lots of people in a second job might end up paying 30% or 47% of that minimal wage as tax (depending on their salary in their 9-5 job) - you've got to ask yourself whether it's even worth it or better to just have a break on the weekend.

    • -2

      Testing covid. They need more staffs

      • Don't you need to be medically trained?

        • +2

          Just go to a pub without a mask on Friday night, mingle and test the morning after.

        • Nope, my sister says at an entire testing site, they only have one nurse. Rest are from any background.

      • Don't know why you were nagged. It's true, my sister says there's a lot of IT guys doing it.

      • +1

        Not sure where you live but NSW health needs heaps of covid related staff. Not just testers, but hospitals have door staff asking visitors the standard 'have you been on contact/overseas are you unwell'. It's a boring job but they need them.

        You could try picking up work as a 'wardsperson' /'orderly'… That's basically the guys who push patient beds around, help nurses with physically demanding tasks (eg rolling patients to help change pads, or move them from bed to bathroom etc). You'd also likely take the deceased to the morgue. It's certainly not a 'nice' job, but it can be rewarding to be interacting with patients and nurses, and best of all its not really stressful, which is great if it's a second job for you.

        Anyways, hospital jobs through the govt - look em up, you might find exactly what you're after.

    • +2


    • +1

      What do you do in IT? If you need more money maybe you should look for a better deal elsewhere or try and get a raise? You might even find a better paying job with less hours. Otherwise you could look at upskilling to gain a pay increase or move elsewhere within IT to increase earnings and hopefully work less hours.

      • +2

        I do l2/3 support. I feel like I get paid rather well for what I do and the lack of stress my job (usually) entails, I can train and upskill, but frankly I'm over IT, 20 years in it is enough, so I guess a career transition is on the horizon as well.

    • Bunnings, Coles or woolies nightfill ?

      • Mate did Bunnings for few years, good $$

        Our local colesworth seems to pack shelves in the afternoon.. not so good with shortages of stock though

    • -2

      Krusty impersonator?

    • +1

      Puppy Cuddler for local animal shelter would be sweet.

      • +1

        Sadly they're all volunteer gigs, but I like your thinking.

    • +2


      • +7

        Best not to, the other members need to at least have a chance to earn some coin.

    • Uber driver? Glassy at bar? DJ? Local cricket umpire?

      • +2

        you British ? can hold a bat? travel to hobart? ~keeper? good chance to play in the 5th test if so!

    • Check on gumtree. A lot of people wanting people for night work, happy to take without experience. Warehouse, security (need a licence), courier drivers and cleaners are the common jobs.

    • Try for security work as a night guard. Then you can study or do some work on the side or even workout while you keep watch.

    • Dog walker might be fun if you want to get out and about.

    • +1

      Have you considered Army Reserve?

      • I'd rather be on the good side of our eventual Chinese overlords.

    • Bottle-O

      • +1 for this, and liquor stores are screaming for staff!

        • Indeed, Australia has experienced the highest % growth in alcohol consumption in the world since Covid.

    • local pizza place ? saw many vacancies recently in hospitality

  • There's a promo on Uber eats at the moment where if you do 30 orders by the end of Jan you get an extra $500.

  • +1

    My dad sells veges from his garden to a couple of corner shops. A lot of it is "barter system" e.g. Some Honey or a box of lemons for a carton of cigarettes.

  • +2

    Hi OP,
    I understand your situation and sometimes that extra money can be helpful. I also agree with the sentiment of the community that spending time with your kids should be your priority. Reflecting back on my childhood, we did not get fancy toys, but valued the time spent with my parents and brothers and it always brings joy when we look back at those memories.

    I am also sure that you probably are trying for that extra cash to provide more comfort to your family. On that note of side hustle, maybe try something that interests you.

    Maybe you enjoy a sport and could become a referee/coach for that particular sport in your local community. The pay may not be that good, but at least you are enjoying something that interests you and at the same time giving back to the sport/community. I just used the sport example and maybe you have interests in some other field.
    Would be more enriching than flipping burgers! (just saying from my own experience, but on the other hand that might excite someone).

    Good luck!

  • Crypto investing/mining and decentralised finance.

    This started as a "side hustle", but the income from this is now multiples of my salary. My day job became my side hustle lmao.

    • Hi techlead, can you give me some insight on how to get involved with defi? I'm looking to understand a safe way to get in, learn the ropes and start side hustling. Feel free to message me if you would rather not post on the board. Thanks in advance

      • +2

        You should first understand how crypto works. Defi can take many forms, you can stake on a proof of stake chain (easiest) to interacting with various smart contracts to borrow assets and stake them on defi platforms (risky and could be hacked).

        If you don't hold any cypto at the moment, my suggestion is you should find out more about it before you start. There are alot of pitfalls with defi and the risk of losing your coins from a hack or phishing attack is quite high. Some chains are more secure than others, for example ETH, while BSC has alot of scams. Look at your address after a week and you'd know. On BSC, scammers airdrop coins to your address and when you try to interact with they take your other coins. This doesn't happen as much in ETH because it costs alot more to deploy these scam smart contracts (doesn't mean it wouldn't happen though, so be careful).

        • Do you use accountant for tax returns? or you do it yourself?

          • -1

            @dione: I do my own taxes, however I use a crypto tax preparation service, Koinly.


            I connect it to the exchanges I use and input my blockchain addresses and it calculates my tax.

            • @techlead: "I do my own taxes (As a millionaire), however I use a crypto tax preparation service, Koinly."

              Pretty sure that's what you meant to say.

              • @Oofy Doofy: Koinly is a tool with which I use to do my taxes. Its like I do my own taxes (as a millionaire), however, I use Excel/pen/paper/abacus to assist me in preparing my taxes.

                That's what I said.

                ATO will be very happy if I sell this year, but I will not. I've just been buying these past couple of months.

  • Learn how to write in SQL, its not technically a side hustle but could land you an awesome work from home gig

  • any thoughts on NFT.. anyone has experience in that?

    • +2

      99.99% of NFT will lose liquidity when they want to exit.

    • Yeah right-click > save as

      • +1

        I tried to right click, save and sell it on opensea.

        It didn't sell.

    • dont know if you still interested in this.

      But generally if you want to make money from NFT, its either getting Whitelisted from a project, which mean you can mint a NFT at base price and resell higher in the marketplace. Or you can get a market tool which would notify you which NFT is having buyer pressure and volume to help you day-trade NFT.

      It is not too bad as other claims, but problem it is literally wild west, there are so much scam and rug-pull projects out there, you have to be very careful.Some project come with free mints or very low mint price but you need to be early and very investing into the project [investing here doesnt mean money, often the only ways you can Whitelisted is via chatting on discord and play minigames].

  • Where can I buy some rumble? im all ears for this ideal for mid-term investment. surely to slowly dumping the entire usd dollar related assets for long-term ! euro as well !

  • +1

    If you live in a big apartment facebook marketplace things people throw out - you'd be suprised what people will throw out and what people will buy, my cousin made about 100-500 a month doing this. Gave each item 2wks and if not sold put back in the bin.

    • Haha I did this but I actually replaced my items as what they chuck as it was much better/expensive item than mine, then sell mine on FB market. Also grab the cans while you are at it. I could get $50/week from the cans itself.

      • i've heard that in a fancy part of town all the tradies sniff around in their utes early mornings on council pickup days
        nearly new sofas without a mark on them get tossed out with the rubbish because someone bought a new one

  • i had one of the best side hustles going back a couple years now, playing video games. At one stage i was making more than my 9-5 but it only lasted abit over a year.

    I would collect armor in the game that was all the same material and had all the same perks (trading on facebook groups, friends and if you got lucky maybe even find a piece while killing a monster.

    Once a duping method had been found, i would then spend my nights duping these very rare matching armor sets. I would then sell these sets anywhere from $50-$500 per set of armor after the dupe had been patched. Made tens of thousands doing this.

    Need to find another video game i can do this on.

    • i dont understand this, is this a known 'hustle' i can read up on more in the internet?
      what games did you play for this side hustle

      • +1

        i made my money on fallout 76. This was one of the websites i would sell on, people do it on muliple games.

    • i have started doing something similar in a blockchain game called Blankos Block Party
      there are heaps of minigames involving racing, shooting or collecting things and daily, weekly & seasonal challenges that give you in-game money and xp
      where the money comes in is some of your in game characters are NFT's (non-fungible tokens) which can be bought and sold

      there's also a party pass that gives you various rewards as you complete it there's two parts to it: free and paid ($25) i'm paid and so far i have got one nft with another two to unlock if i complete it before it expires in six days time i have also bought a couple from the store

      even if you didn't want to play the game you could also day trade nft's in the store looking for cheapies to resell

    • Made tens of thousands doing this.

      What the (profanity) šŸ˜³ there was a dupe method on fo76?

      • Yes been plenty haha, doesnt take long for them to be patched though. Some methods involved lagging / crashing the servers. My own method involved selling items to venders and it would get stuck in the selling screen, i could then keep buying my item back from the vendor for caps.

        • +1

          Wow.. I'm amazed at what people are willing to pay for things. That's a crazy way to make a bit of cash though, I respect that. As we say on wsb, congrats and fk you šŸ˜‚

  • -2

    Not really a side hussle but recently been doing surveys online.
    Pays between $3-9 a survey, some can take 5 mins others 15.

    Limited by how many you can do a day / targeted. Still makes $40 a week or so
    Pm me if interested

  • A side hustle should be something you enjoy it at least contain elements of something you enjoy. Most of these suggestions are for jobs, which are fine, but working at uber or Bunnings is not a side hustle lol, it's a job. A side hustle requires a little creativity and entrepreneurship imo. You need to train your brain to identify problems and possible solutions that you can capitalise on. Then research the idea, competitors (if any), costs to start-up and risks and make an assessment on whether it's worth it. GL

    • You forgot to mention - ability to generate income/profit.

  • Maybe just choose days, Queen's Day of Mourning, Haloween, Christmas, Summer at the beach, New Years, Anzac Day, Easter…. etc

    And do your business then… (You might need to invest in EFTPOS thing for your phone). eg.

    eg. try and flog Anzac Day t-shirts at the local pubs $20ea. (either outside the pub or ask the bar staff; donate 5 for the staff to wear).
    eg. buy cans of coke and Pepsi for 40c/60c per from colesworth, put them on ice, and sell them for a $2 at a crowded beach.
    eg. insert your clever idea here….

  • i came across this site called field agent they have various jobs like secret shopper, store audits, surveys, buy & try and i'm thinking of signing up
    i'm not sure if you could make big money from it but if i'm out shopping anyway why not make a few bucks while i'm there

  • My mum suggested I join OnlyFans and sit on cakes, lol. I'm a dude, though I'm sure she was joking lol.

    • Cake-sitting

      I like your Mum's thinking. Starting a new niche or catching the wave of interest behind another.

  • onlyfans, adult massage & escort work, uber driver

  • If i knew of any (out of the ordinary/some niche) I wouldn't tell anyone.

  • +2

    Matched betting or value betting. Yes it has risk but you can do it in your own time and make up to $10k. Shoot me a message if I can help

    • +1

      Do you have to have knowledge on betting to do this? Not a gambler lol

      • No, it's just pure numbers (maths)

        • Ah well I'm okay at some maffs

    • @garth69 - could you spare us some pro tips? Betting arbitrage? How to identify such opportunities?

      • Arbitrage's get closed pretty quickly and you have to bet a s load for pretty small returns. This is usually because one bet is positive expected value while the other isn't.

        • hmm, I guess its not worth the hassle then

          • +2

            @nsingh21: You can make $10k a year pretty easily, $20k a year with some effort… All tax free

  • -1

    just start selling caps, keep it low key, could easily get a couple of hundred per week

  • Ok this is going to sound a bit extreme, but what the hell, it worked for me (though by coincidence not intention).

    1. Pick a country in a time-zone where their work day begins when ours ends (e.g. UK, Ireland, Eastern US).
    2. Get an appropriate visa and a full-time remote job in that country and move there.
    3. Work hard and ingratiate yourself with management so they don't want you to leave.
    4. Move back to Australia while continuing to work remotely for that company during our evenings.
    5. Congratulations! You now have yourself a side-gig ā€“ albeit time-consuming and sleep-depriving. But you will make excellent money.

    By means of this method, over the last 2.5 years (yes, throughout COVID), I've been working 2 jobs and making double the income. I've never made more money in my life (though my tax bill is also a sight to behold).

    Multiple friends and family members think I'm crazy, but on the flip-side, with this amount of income, I can almost afford Sydney rent. =)

    • What profession / industry are you in?
      Does it impact your mental and physical health? Stress etc?

      • What profession / industry are you in?

        Software development

        Does it impact your mental and physical health? Stress etc?

        To some degree, yes. I was already experiencing occasional anxiety symptoms before working 2 jobs, as my previous job was already relatively demanding (that said, nothing compared to some other professions, e.g. surgeons/doctors having to be on call and deal with life/death situations!)

        I pursue healthy habits to counteract it, like daily exercise, meditation for 10 minutes per day, seeing family/friends on weekends, etc. I went for a GP checkup a couple of weeks ago and the doctor said I'm healthy.

        Meditation really helps with managing the stress; I highly recommend it to anyone.

        The reduced sleep is probably the worst aspect of it, but there I make up for it on weekends. And I've had difficulty getting to sleep my whole life, so I reason if I'm going to be wide awake till 2 am every night, I might as well be earning an income during those hours.

        • Well done getting it to work and I hope it continues to work out well for you šŸ˜Š How long did you live in the second country to work for the company remotely, and did you negotiate to be paid in AUD when you relocated back to Oz?

          • @Craze: I worked for a few months in London, UK and was paid in pounds (Ā£) into my UK bank account. They continued paying me like this for several months, until I agreed with my manager to make this a permanent arrangement, after which they transferred me to their Australian branch (they're a globally-expanding company) and now I'm paid more or less the equivalent in AUD.

  • The webull referral and moomoo referral has been a pleasant surprised side hustle. Any one got any other ones I can hop on?

    • Iā€™m keen to learn a bit more about this. What makes it a side hustle? The forums you linked appear to make it a one-off benefit; is your side hustle that you now trade stocks? Or are you somehow playing the referral system? Cheers!

  • My favorite side hustle is credit card churning. Each credit card will give me around $1000 in rewards. As soon as I receive my rewards, I cancel my credit card and apply for a new one. I open up between 6 and 10 credit cards a year. If you don't change your spending habits, it becomes passive income and you can use this either to travel for free from the points or redeem the points in cash or gift cards. If you think about it this way. For the time it takes to apply for a credit card and cancel the card it is about 1 hour of your time. So if each card gives your around $1000 in rewards, then your basically earning $1000/hr.

    • Do you also churn OZB usernames, [Deactivated]?

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