Recommended Heat Pump Dryer Brands?

I'm interested in buying a heat pump dryer but I'm lost as to what brand is recommended nowadays as reviews are widely varied.

Past Ozbargain deals have the Esatto as a popular heat pump dryer. But is Esatto even good?

Any recommendations on what heat pump dryer I should buy? Budget maybe around 1k~.


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  • No probs with our Esatto.

  • Coming up on 4 years with an esatto, use it 3-4 times a week all year round. Can't fault it.

  • Is Miele good? I've heard that they have the best longevity but not a huge amount of reviews in Australia.

    • For what it's worth, I've got a Miele heatpump since 2012. Had to do a repair once to get a thermostat sensor thing replaced but everything else is running great. With 2 kids in the household, it gets used a lot.

      • That's a long time, I didn't realise heat pump dryers were around that long ago!

    • +1

      I've heard that they have the best longevity

      OLD Miele products from 10-20 years ago had been great…. The new Miele products of today seem to be riding on the coat tails of yesteryear.

      Fun things like making claims of "Tested for the equivalent of 20 years".

      Sounds cool right? Then you look at the warranty and they only offer a 2 year manufacturer’s warranty. So its no better than most other brands on the market like Bosch etc.

      • I know that the warranty isn't great, so it's not ideal that they don't put their money where their mouth is, but do you have any other data to back up the claim that recent ones don't last as long?

        • so it's not ideal that they don't put their money where their mouth is

          Well if you claim your product has been tested for 20 years, then surely you could offer a 5 or 10 year warranty to back that up!

          but do you have any other data to back up the claim that recent ones don't last as long?

          Its kinda like all products, read the reviews. Some last for decades, some have known issues that cause them to fault early.

          Just saying, don't get sucked in my the marketing. Honestly with our consumer laws and them making wild statements like lasting 20 years. Then they should be honouring warranty at the 10 year mark!

  • We have a Bosch… works well for us. However, when we first installed it, the drain hose didn't have a connection that seemed to fit the spigot under the sink correctly. Some clamps and some tubing from Bunnings resolved it.

    • Yeah what is up with that Bosch drain hose! It seems to be made for another countries spigot, mine was the same. I haven't connected it yet because of this!

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    Never had any issues with my Beko.

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      This, with 5 years warranty that's saying something about Beko. Goes on sale around 600.

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    I have a Bosch series six, was around that price, works like a charm, gets used daily.

  • apparently Fisher Paykel are crap according to this OB post

    but have a trawl through the various heat pump dryer discussions on OB

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    Get a conventional clothes dryer for free from the side of the road. If you're worried about running costs use a clothes horse and put in the sun or in front of the heater.

  • Been 2.5 years using Esatto heat pump dryer, no issue.

  • +1

    Loving my Miele. Gets about 10 runs a week. I no longer line dry. Haven’t for 5ish years now it’s that good.

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      We just replaced our 20 year old Mielle heatpump drier because the touch panel was totally worn out. Mielle couldnt supply that part anymore that's how old it was… never missed a beat other than wearing out the start/stop space on the touch/pressure panel facade. The other button areas were also very worn.

      Replaced with a second hand Bosch now.

      But just for extra info, we had two good brand induction stoves in a row die on us post warranty period, and now happy to have a cheap kogan one with at least a 5 year warranty. Fortunately the stove doesn't show the brand name kogan!

  • I have a Miele at home and a Bosch in an Airbnb.
    Both are excellent.
    Bosch is cheaper and does a great job. Miele is obviously more expensive but it's that extra bit sturdier. The Miele washing machines with Twindos are also excellent.
    For something like this I feel cheaper is just going to die a lot quicker.

  • Had 2 FandP heat pumps. Both failed early in life. Then was recommended a Turkish manufactured Beko a very popular dryer in Europe. Some Bosch products are actually manufactured by Beko.
    Came with a 5 year warranty was half the price of the F&P and has performed brilliantly according to the lady who does all the housework.

  • I've had 5 years with my Samsung heat pump dryer - no problems so far. Fit's nicely on top of my Samsung washing machine.

  • Happy with my LG I've had for 18 months.

  • Beko

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