• expired

$0.50 Domain Names (.COM, .NET .ORG .INFO .BIZ .US) Register.com


50c Domain Names!

  • .COM
  • .NET
  • .ORG
  • .BIZ
  • .INFO
  • .US

Note: This payment is only made by card (Mastercard, Visa, Amex, Discovery) no option for PayPal.

1) Click the link
2) Choose your domain name
3) Register your details (American Address Only) You can make one up there is zero verification.
4) Proceed to checkout
5) Be sure to remove the extra options added to your card, and un-check the "Auto-Renew" box

Great to use as a redirected domain name to get more SEO to your site, or just to save for later :)

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closed Comments

  • Can you customise the whois details after? Fake whois details are technically illegal. I doubt they check but still.

    • If I use domains for re-directions. I just add anything, never once been questioned. I just put "Annonymous" in every box. Makes it look like I purchase the Whois protection.

      At the end of the day, when you pay that protection is the same thing they block your info. As long as the domain you are directing it to is correct..

      • True. I wonder if they'll ever get stricter about it.

        • +1

          I believe it's mainly dummies who enter obviously fake details like "Name: Donald Duck; Address: 123 Yellow Brick Road; Phone: 555-555-555" who lose their domains as a result, or cases where the domain has attracted the interest of someone who is motivated (through malice or wanting the domain for themselves) to scrutinise the contact details and report if found invalid.

  • Hmmm… might just be handy ! Thx !

  • -1

    can u do a .com.au address?

    • no

  • +1

    Says $9.95 on the checkout page.

    • Solved - make sure you sign up as a new user.

  • +1

    Even though you untick 'autorenew' your CC is stored, and auto renew is enabled.
    To cancel the auto renew you need to call them.

    • +2

      Wow, super dodgy.

  • Lol - today I find out they've cancelled my 50c domain with a short email below:

    Dear Valued Customer,

    Thank you for choosing Register.com. It has been brought to our attention that the domain name keepingithorse.com may have been registered via an unauthorized charge. As part of our efforts to vigorously protect our customers against on-line identity theft, the transaction has been flagged and identified as high risk by Risk Management qualifiers. Register.com takes this matter very seriously. We have credited the charges in the full amount of $0.50. In addition we have deleted the services associated with the above transaction. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. If you have any further questions, please reply to this email or contact a Customer Support representative 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, at the numbers below. Thank you for choosing Register.com

    Yes I registered with a fake US address & details.
    Yes I unlocked my domain & requested a domain transfer authocode.
    Yes I changed my credit card expiry to a date in the past.

    So I don't blame them for cancelling!

    Re-registered with Namecheap in the end & used the BYEBYE2012 coupon code.

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