Saw this at aldi. Didnt buy one myself but this looks more like a $150 strider and definitely better than wooden ones around the same price!
Edit: These are apparently from a Nov 14 sale - YMMV with stock levels at your local store.
Saw this at aldi. Didnt buy one myself but this looks more like a $150 strider and definitely better than wooden ones around the same price!
Edit: These are apparently from a Nov 14 sale - YMMV with stock levels at your local store.
Betterer, strongerer and doesn't look as ghey.
Heaps more betterer for about $13 more.
I don't see butt-suspension on those jv!
but is it lighterer?
Fully Adjustable
sorry but it's not - the handlebars aren't
Are they a good bike to learn cycling for a 5-year old ?
Do they have training wheels ?
Doesn't mention on the packaging, but those orange things might be the training wheels in pic on package ??
Also, what store was that ? Could be a store special as I can't find anything in the catalogue
No, but don't worry about training wheels, they teach bad habits, this type teaches proper balance.
The orange bits is the suspension I believe.
those orange things might be the training wheels in pic on package ??
They look more like elastomers for the rear suspension…remember, nappies can only provide so much travel for when the little tikes are performing hardcore aerial maneouvres like whips & superman seat-grabs over the couch! ;)
Cheers, thanks guys
These don't have pedals or anything they are really just for toddlers to push around on to get use to balancing a bike.
why this isn't in the Aldi catalog?
Which Aldi stores are selling it?
ic. This is from a 14 Nov sale. You'd be lucky to find it in your local Aldi store now.
I was unable to find any on 14th Nov evening at North Sydney Aldi, and they called a couple other stores who also did not have any left.
could the OP confirm the store you saw this at?
whats the point? op is from melbourne
I found these at Pakenham, Vic. There were about 7 or 8 left at the time.
fact sheet from better homes and gardens to make your own balance bike…
Why wouldn't you buy a normal bike & take the pedals off? Then whack them back on when they're ready to ride?
It depends…
If the kids are really young (3-4) or small, then these balance bikes tend to be a lot lighter than even the smallest sized bikes. For my kid I had a balance bike, then put them onto a bike with the pedals off (to get used to the increased weight for 2 weeks), then put the pedals on. Pedalling with no training wheels in 15 minutues!
If you just take the pedals off, it is a good idea to put something (duct tape etc) around the sharp edges of the crank as most of the cheap kids bikes don't have nicely rounded cranks and it is the first thing to dig into shins/calves.
because balance bikes weight around 3kg, where as a normal kids bike weighs 10kg. if that is not enough to put your kid off, it will definitely put you off when your kid gets tired of riding his bike and wants you to carry it.
How would a just turn 2 yo far on one of these ?
He is quite big so i know size and strength will not be an issue… he has a trike that push him on, but he has not enough power to pedal it him shelf…… he is for even climbing on his elder brothers (12yo) bmx and fallen off it.
whats your question? maybe if you made sense we can help you
How would a 2yo go on one of these ?
Why does it matter? The whole idea of these bikes is to teach them that falling over hurts.
If they can't use it immediately, they will use it when they get old enough to use it.
It's not about ages - it's about capability. I have only JUST got our 8 year old to ride a bike, yet some of his friends could do it at 3 or 4 years old. Each kid is different
the box says 3+ but i guess it depends if your child's feet can reach the ground or how well your child can walk. you wouldnt want to put him on it if he couldnt balance properly on his feet yet
how is it better?