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10% off Quit Smoking Consultation Fee $76.50 (Was $85) @ QuitClinics


Just got a prescription from QuitClinics for vapes.

They will provide a script provided that’s deemed the best treatment for your position and you’ll have access to their online pharmacy. They are getting more options but there were still a few different options/flavours available. I opted for the alt. Pod Device which was approx. $85 delivered with 4 pods.

Doc called me the next day and was really knowledgeable and friendly.

All in all, good service and the code makes it a little more affordable.

“An Australian doctor will review your case and get in touch with you within one business day. All of our doctors are passionate about helping smokers quit, and are TGA Authorised Prescribers of nicotine/vaping products. One of our doctors will call you within 24 hours, and follow up with an email if they’re unable to reach you. If Quit Clinics doctors are unable to help, they will explain why and a full refund is available.”

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Good on u for taking the first step mate

  • +8

    Anyone who thinks this was about people's health and not about trying to recoup the lost revenue from all the tobacco smokers switching to vaping has been brainwashed by the media.

    • I think that way…

      I quit cigarettes by switching to vapes for about 2 years.

      This was back then when you have to source the battery, coil, etc separately. Then went from medium nicotine, to low and zero then one day i woke up i forgot to vape completely.

      I genuinely think that vaping can make you quit smoking as it worked for me.

      • +2

        Yeah I use a refillable one. Down to 3mg now but I don't really wanna totally quit. I enjoy it and it feels way healthier than smoking. My breathing is so much better since I got off smoking like 5 years agoI feel way fitter.

        Long term effects.. well who knows? I know cigarettes will DEFINITELY kill me so it can't be worse.

        New laws won't effect me, I have a 14 year supply of nicotine in the freezer already which should be enough to get me through till the black market is organised.

        • sorry how do you know what's in your vape stuff?

          • @M00Cow: I make it, and I don't use flavours.

            • @Buyingcrap: you make nicotine. good fair enough then.

              • @M00Cow: Do you make all the food you eat? Do you breed, raise, slaughter and butcher your own meat? Do you test the local water supply before you make a coffee? Do you weave all the fabric in the clothes you wear? At some point you just have to trust.

                • @Buyingcrap: ? I thought you said you made it?

                  I'm actually intrigued with vape stuff. I hear lots of health claims, but no one can tell me what's actually in it, unlike the packaged food I buy, or the food I grow.

                  At least the govt stuff will be regulated, tested and have a consistent ingredient content.

        • Holy 14 years supply. Did you also stock up enough coils and parts?
          I find it ridiculous now they are restricting vape the same as cigarette when entering australia.
          Travellers' Exemption
          From 1 March 2024, travellers entering Australia can only bring a small quantity of vapes with them. The vapes must be for use in the treatment of the traveller or someone they are caring for, who is entering Australia on the same ship or aircraft.
          The maximum allowable quantity is:
          2 vapes in total (whether disposable or reusable)
          20 vape accessories (including cartridges, capsules or pods), and
          200mL of vape substance in liquid form.

          But regardless, still better than Singapore, although we might be turning into Singapore someday and illegal to own a vape here lol. I thinks it all the government plan to extract more money from ciggies.

          • @bazinga8888: I can still understand why they're making it hard for travellers.

            However, i'm still confused why they're banning the sales of vapes but still allowing the sales of cigarettes.

            Yes vapes are dangerous but shouldn't there be already more research on why cigarettes are dangerous and banning them should be more urgent?

          • @bazinga8888: Yeah I've got enough coils and parts for a good number of years. A coil lasts me months because I use flavourless juice. It's the flavours that tend to burn and gum things up. After that runs out I have rebuildable tanks so all I need to do is wind coils.

            I can build a mod if need be but I have about 6 of those too.

          • @bazinga8888:

            someday and illegal to own a vape here lol.

            good. they've spent hundreds of millions over 4 decades trying to stamp out ciggie use in this country and in 5 years they've blown it by turning a blind eye to vapes.

            It's all just Big Tobacco and their nicotine addiction delivery business. No different to the English & their opium addiction campaign against the Chinese.

            Anyway the cats out of the bag. IMHO the way forward now is for the Govt to make and distribute all vaping products. Shut down all the dodgey vape shops, all the dodgey dealers, all the dodgey importers. plain package it like smokes and sell them alongside smokes. Don't tax the crap out of them smokes, that's just silly.

  • +7

    So you pretend you want to quit smoking in order to obtain prescription vapes? Have I got that right?

  • +1

    Allen Carr's, The Easy Way To Quit Smoking. No need to thank me.

  • I didn’t realise nicotine vapes had been approved by the TGA. Can any pharmacists comment?

    Elsewehere, Quitline 13 7848 is a free telephone-based service to help with smoking minimisation/cessation.

    • it seems like this post isn't about quitting.

  • If you are relx user, free prescription on their site which is restricted to be used to purchase relx product on their shop.

    The tga approved vape device should be Nicovape Q and the flavours is very limited.

    • There are lots of devices being approved, one from Phillip Morris funnily enough.

  • Can they prescribe iGets?

  • -5

    They claim…

    "Australia’s leading quit smoking and nicotine vaping harm reduction clinic."
    Big call, never heard of them.

    Even their address seem evasive…we're somewhere in this multistory building "802-808 Pacific Highway… " Quit Clinics is their name but they don't have any clinics that I can find.

    If you're serious, just visit you're doctor.

  • +3

    Best way to quit naturally: buy Tabex from Amazon. 30 day course $ 60. Herbal natural therapy in pill form. Fights the cravings gradually. Same ingredients at in Quit Stop Now ($ 500).
    Thank me later!

  • -2

    Looking more into this website claims…

    "All of our doctors… are TGA Authorised Prescribers of nicotine/vaping products"

    Yeh, actually are ALL Australian Drs. can prescribe!

    Edit: All Au doctors can prescribe vaps. Bot I don't think that it is the TGA that "Authorises Prescribers". Curiouser and curiouser.

    • The TGA does in this instance as the vapes are imported under the Special Access Scheme Authorised Prescriber pathway.

      • +1

        Tonight in ACA, dodgy doctor distributing dangerous drugs….

  • Good on you! If you're looking to kick it altogether I managed to go from a pack a day to a ridiculous amount of vaping a day to quitting after 18 years of it! Tabex on Amazon / anywhere really. Quit within a day! Great stuff, reasonable price and I reckon I'm out for good.

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