Here’s a promo code for Quickflix, sign up for a free trial using the promo code & you’ll receive a free trial to Quickflix that includes 5 DVD’s plus 2 free Hoyts movie tickets.
Get A FREE Trial Of Quickflix & Get 2 FREE Hoyts Movie Tickets

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In the mail with your first DVD's.
oh okey~~ thank you very much :D
Do you also get $25 for paying nothing from MoneyBackCo? :)
I think so!
Yup! The network responsible is having a few problems with the tracking code, however at the moment we have a 100% success rate at re-uniting transactions with their rightful owners.
Didn't mention anything about movie tickets for me, so maybe it's expired now?
Only says I get first 5 dvd's free :S
Still works, just tried it out - it says about it in small writing underneath the 5 DVD's FREE.
I received my first DVD today (apparently, they don't send all 5 DVDs at once), but no free Hoyts ticket? Are they deliberately waiting for your trial membership to expire then send you the movie tickets so you need to pay for the 1st Month fees?
Don't know?
According to the page you should, however I wouldn't be surprised if it's to get people to sign up to their proper plan.
Yes, me had no ticket, both in the 1st and 2nd movie DVD.
I haven't received any movie tickets either.
Today, I received 2 packages from them so far, the Welcome package, and 1 of the 2 DVD the said they have sent (on the same day).
Yup I think they'll wait until your expiry date, then send you the movies. I'm cancelling my trial soon. :)
Finally got my movie tickets today.. they came on their own, not with dvd's or anything.
I did email them the other day too asking about the tickets, still haven't had any replies from them though.
Man these guys are wasteful of paper :) all the seperate packages back and forth..
How do I signup so I receive both the free movie tix and the moneyback offer?
You need to
- Get a MoneyBackCo account if you haven't.
- Click on Quickflix in the MoneyBackCo box to go to that merchant on MBC.
- While logged into MBC, click on the link again to go to Quickflix.
- Now come back to this page, and click on the screenshot image to go to the special landing page.
- Sign up with the coupon code.
I know it is a bit tedious, but worthwhile for all that cashback + tickets for free.
Thanks! But also do I signup via the screen shot or via MBC as you can do both.
Clicking through MBC only gets your session registered for moneyback, but it does not send you to a page that you can put in coupon code. You need to come back here, click on the page thumbnail to send you back to Quickflix page where you can put in a coupon code.
@scotty: Ok, yeah thats what I did but I didn't see Quickflix in the transactions in MBC. It must take a few days.
I dont know how these guys make it worthwhile giving us $25 for signing up for a free trial. Its a great idea anyway.
@scotty: When I first looked at moneyback via affiliation network, I too was shocked that how much companies are willing to pay per lead — it is all in their marketing budget.
Don't know whether it is a good thing or not, as I generally would like to have companies offering cheaper products from the money they saved from marketing.
Then again that's why I did engineering at uni instead of commerce :)
@scotty: Fair enough mate. Do you know if MBC charge a fee for any of this? I read somewhere if you dont earn a certain amount in a year, that you get charged a fee.
Also I noticed you can get $40 for getting a telenet saver account. I already have one but do you think they will let you sign up for another and get the $40?
Is there any other really good deals that you can recommend? Im only very new to this site.
@Orgazmo: MBC charges two fees:
- $10 / year membership fee, and you only need to pay that if you earn more than $10 / year on moneybacks.
- 20 cent / withdrawal, and this is to cover banking/transaction fee.
Not really sure about the BankWest Telenet Saver account. MoneyBackCo would refund you the whole $40 if the transaction gets approved by BankWest, however I am not sure how BankWest would like to see people closing their accounts, and signing up new ones to get commissions refunded + their introductory interest rate.
It is best to ask Steve from MBC at the MoneyBackCo forum.
As with MoneyBackCo related deals, check this link. You will also see that how much financial institutes are willing to pay to get a lead :)
Hiring DVDs online, wow! Time to upgrade my VHS player to join the party I think :)
i sign up for it, and i entered the promotional code, and was told that i will get the free movie tickets, but i didn't receive it in my e-mail, where am i suppose to find these tickets? can any help me ?