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Babylon 5 Remastered, The Complete Series $39.99 (Was $89.99) @ iTunes Store


Same deal from January - https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/675402

Babylon 5, The Complete Series

All 110 Original Episodes Fully Remastered! Own all five seasons of the award-winning series about the space station that's the tumultuous center of the 23rd century's bid for peace among humans and aliens.

(long time lurker - first post)

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  • I want that on disk

    • ok but for those that like digital will be here.

  • +16

    Amazing series, if you haven't watched it - you should. One of the best sci-fi series ever.

    • +4

      Seconded!! Such a great show, truly one of the best sci-fi series' ever released!

    • +4

      For new watchers…you do need to stick with for the first season and a bit but really gains traction about midway through season 2 and doesn't let up until the end. Apparently JMS is making more too https://babylon5.fandom.com/wiki/Babylon_5_(reboot)

      Not sure how to feel about that as don't think I've seen a 'reboot' that wasn't lame (BSG would be the obvious exception).

      • This is a fair call, like most shows of this era, the first season can be a bit rough, but if you stick with it, it is well worth it.

        As for the reboot, will just have to wait and see what JMS does. I'm hoping it'll be good but you never know.

        • +2

          I stuck around only to see the CGI which was amazing at the time and done on Amigas :) Happy it got much better in further sessions. dunno hwo a reboot would work alot of the original actors have passed onto the other side.

          • @Dr Techno: Yeah for the reboot, JMS said it's specifically a reboot not a continuation. They may include cameo's etc from the surviving cast members playing different characters but it'll be a whole new cast.

            • +1

              @Devastator0: And he also said it was the same story, I have faith it will be at very least, decent.

      • Heres some that dont suck:

        The thing, suicide squad

        Tv Shows:
        Dr Who (could be argued that is a continuation but whatever)
        The office

        As its by the same showrunner, Im really hopeful.

    • I agree.

      My partner however doesn't. She really enjoyed star trek TNG and voyager but didn't like DS9.

      I think if you like DS9 you will absolutely love Babylon 5 however if DS9 was not your cup of tea don't bother.

  • -2

    I want that on disk

    • -2

      It would take an awful lot of disks to fit this show (disk is short for floppy diskette). The word you're looking for is disc. You also said this twice already.

  • nice find, thanks!

  • +1


  • +1

    Can anyone explain about what the "remastered" entails? i.e. does it actually look good now?

    (Not snarking, genuinely interested. It was such an incredible show.)

    • +1

      Cleaned up played scenes, the animation of ships and space still looks bad (it has always had).

    • +2


      TL;DR - Cgi looks much better, colour/picture in general looks better, but the video format was changed to 4:3 to accommodate the cgi remastering (B5 was originally in 16:9)

    • +2

      I wrote something on this a while ago.
      In short, the DVD/original was based on a low resolution version. Unlike many tv shows of the day, Babylon 5 was filmed widescreen, however the CGI was all 4:3. When they made the widescreen version they cropped and upscale the CGI, which made it look pretty awful. The remastered version appears to have gone back to the original negatives, and they have returned to the 4:3 ratio. The CGI has been “AI” upscaled so it looks much better. They also did something with the sound and improved the colours. They did not redo the special effects the way that started trek did with TOS or TNG. If you have only seen the DVD/digital version recently, it is worth checking out the remastered version. It looks much better.

  • +7


    • "Death, been there, done that."

  • +2

    who uses itunes lol

    • I never have before this deal, and since I own Apple products it’s really the perfect way to watch them. I have the DVDs of this series but watching the iTunes version looks better and is a lot more convenient!

  • Currently about halfway through a re-watch of this myself (Severed Dreams may be the best episode of the entire series IMO). Still a great show even now, although as others have mentioned, you do have to slog through a bit of the first season. But definitely worth it.

  • +1

    Watching it now for the first time, i like it already midway through S1

    • +1

      I’m envious mate, to be watching it for the first time ever, you’re really experiencing something truly great!

    • It will really enhance your viewing experience to use the Lurker's Guide to Babylon 5 alongside watching the episodes. After you watch an episode - not before, whatever you do - go read the equivalent Lurker's page. It analyses each episode, will show you all the subtle connections and hints that you might otherwise miss, and how things you might never have thought of were revealed to be critically important. It really demonstrates the breadth and thought that went into the show.

  • LOL went to purchase as it's seriously great … apparently I must have bought when it was reduced last time

  • +6

    A great example of the primary importance of story.

    You can have all the pretty (and possibly even near-realistic) CGI you like, but if the story isn't up-to-scratch it will never properly involve the viewer. (I'm talking to you Discovery, Picard, Halo, et al.)

    • Yeah legit this! The story, how it arks across the seasons, is truly amazing IMO. Character development is done incredibly well. I legit nerd out hard where B5 is concerned lol

    • Yup, Picard and Discovery both suck hard. But I have to admit I am enjoying Strange new Worlds, I was bit suss after the first episode but it seems to be going from strength to strength.

  • +1

    What do you want?

    Vir Cotto:
    I'd like to live just long enough to be there when they cut off your head and stick it on a pike as a warning to the next ten generations that some favors come with too high a price. I would look up at your lifeless eyes and wave like this. [gives a mockingly cheerful finger waggle] Can you and your associates arrange this for me, Mr. Morden?

    • After all these years I still hear that in Vir's voice.

  • Shame it does not have any of the 4 TV Movies (A Call to Arms, In the Beginning, The River of Souls, Thirdspace) and I don't think you can get them separately at all but I think does have the original pilot TV movie.

    • dling a call to arms as we speak, it may not be the remastered but still there as well as the other movies

      • That is interesting as I recheck my previous iTunes purchase (back in 2020) of the re-mastered series and mine does not show the four movies. I also just logged onto the iTunes app on my PC without being signed into my Apple ID and check it on my iPhone and found the same. If I switched to the US iTunes store without being logged into my Apple ID it is the same as the Australian one but they did have the TV movies for sale there as separate purchases for each TV movie.

  • Nice to get this show, which is way under-rated despite some missteps, getting love. Hands down my favourite space opera, and there is some superb acting here.

    At this price it becomes a minor quibble, but you should be aware that while the CGI is much improved this remastered version brings a green tinge to the show, especially the live action scenes. It's quite pronounced if you look at the scenes side by side vs the DVDs. (Take a look on Youtube).

    If you haven't seen Babylon 5 before I would say definitely worth it. If you have it on DVD or ripped from DVD it might not bring as much value. I had the VHS tapes until I gave them away, and I have the DVDs so I'm not that tempted to buy it for a 3rd time.

  • Anyone who hasn't seen it, should check out the Rabau+Smith remaster work on YouTube. Shows what could be possible with a full remaster of the series (which probably will never happen). That said, there is a reboot of the series in the works allegedly.

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