What do you guys think?
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What do you guys think?
Mod: Moved to Mobile forum.
Agree with you. The design seems bland and outdated. If it wasn't for the white version I wouldn't be getting this phone.
I found the fake designs alot more appealing than the final design.
Why do people like white? It's so bland we might as well go back to biege.
Black shows character more like colours whereas white is just so lacking.
Edit: I agree with the issues with contour. I really liked the move from iphone 3 to iphone 4 cause the shape became firmer
With so much hype surrounding the launch it was hard to impress everyone. But they seem to have done well.
Agreed, I just don't like the idea of 'regionalised' versions with various features removed.
I am not a fan, shame because I was looking forward to it. Oh well plenty of other alternatives which should drop in price now.
There wasn't any wow features. Who wants to watch a video on their phone while sending a text message? C'mon. I already send text messages now while watching a movie on a tv.
They needed the following features to stand out
1) Quick charge feature. Reach 100 % in 20 mins?
2) Quad core processors that's supports LTE
3) Better design and use materials that feel better
4) Swiping the screen will let you do various actions that you can record and save. Lets you do complex actions such as open a web app and log you in.
Maybe even making the back cover work like a solar panel?
Quick charge feature
100% in 20 mins is a bit too much O_O
Maybe even making the back cover work like a solar panel?
That's absurd.
Leaving your phone in the sun = hot + battery charging -> battery wear increasing exponentially (extreme heat)
didnt watch the whole presentation.
was there an example how Svoice was improved? compare to siri?
It's awesome, but only averagely awesome. $799 pre-order from MobiCity, but I can't see it $150 better than HTC One X at $649.
Agree. I also don't see it $300 better than the Xperia S. Tough decision.
well compared to the one x it has
1) significantly better (2100mAH vs 1800mAH) and replaceable battery
2) expandable memory
3) smarter software: s voice, social tag , smart alert, s beam etc etc
all this makes it easily it easily worth $100 more than the HTC if not $150
and prices will go down; was only released yesterday.
just my 2c
True. I said that it's awesome, but at this stage I would not pay $150 more than HTC One X. Your (1) and (2) did not concern certain fruit-branded users either. On the other hand, HTC One X has
I agree that the price will drop (and will NEED to drop) pretty soon after it's released. Just look at Galaxy Nexus…
f/2.0 len
What do you mean?
The HTC One X can take continuous photos like a DSLR - Is that a feature of latest Android or only for the HTC One X? (I wouldn't know.. stuck on 2.3 with Sony Xperia X10, continual crashes :(
Aperture of HTC One X's camera lens is f/2.0, i.e. bigger than most other phone cameras and sucks in more light, which would help in low light situation and give faster shutter speed.
Yikes..if that was for the 64gig one, but 16?
Agreed, I think the OneX is significantly better value
Isn't pre-order prices are much higher than the normal price when it is launched?
If that is the case than I think Galaxy S 3 has more chance than One X for me :)
My vote goes towards the SGS3 over the HTC OneX…namely of 3 reasons:
MicroSD slot absent
Unremovable battery
Insistence on MicroSIM
HTC One X is a better phone to me, microSD and non removable battery are not a big concern.
Enjoy your non-removable battery, which will have half capacity after a couple of years.
I've yet to see someone genuinely enjoy their phone for more than two years and not upgrade.
In fact this guy at work changes phones every two or three months. Buy it cheap, keep it in good condition and resell.
I'm sure you can get it replaced, at a price of course.
Pretty sure there will be disassembly guides for the phone (at your own risk) soon enough.
My Nexus One was 2yo and Nokia E71 was 3.5yo when they retired, both on original battery and no significant reduction of battery life. iPhones don't have replaceable batteries and many Android tablets don't have user replaceable batteries either.
But as @auna has said, at the rate Android phones are evolving, you would definitely want upgrade after 2 years.
I find it interesting that the E71 had Firmware updates for so long (Last one was March 2011 apparently). The battery appears to be quite large for the display size etc.
Even more interesting is that the successor (the E72) had firmware updates ending at a very similar time.
Now you would be lucky to get a year and a half of updates.
Go the E71! I stuck with that phone for about 2 years before retiring it in favor of a Garmin Nuviphone.
I agree with the removable battery bit. Hi spec Android phones typically go through more charge/recharge cycles than any others and if you're a heavy user you'd probably wear down the battery very quickly. Also, if you're travelling overseas its sometimes a little hard to find a place to stop and charge your phone — with spare batteries you can pop in a fresh one and keep talking.
I've actually worn down one of my SGS2 Anker batteries already. Onto the 2nd one now.
Geez my nokia 3310 must be getting a bit old, may be time to upgrade?
Battery doesnt last long nowdays
I don't like any of these smartphones because of their battery life, I hope the Samsung Galaxy 3 has better battery life.
Happy with the specs, but prefer the looks of the S2.