• expired

Endler Guppy Breeding Pair $9.99 ($5 Each) + $12 Postage @ Sydney Aquascapes


$9.99 for a male and female Endler Guppy pair! If you wanted to try breeding some fish these are some of the easiest you can have a go at. All postage is combined, so it is $12 flat no matter how much you buy. Please also note these are not pure strain, but a guppy mixed strain.

Endler Guppies are live-bearers. They don't lay eggs but instead bear their fry (baby fish) already hatched. Take care of the babies with either finely ground flakes, or a lot of moss or algae on a well-established aquarium.
The parents can eat their children, and although we personally have not had issues with this, separating them is never a bad idea. If you are new to fishkeeping, we recommend you read this. It should be all you need to get started!

Feel free to ask us any questions you have.

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closed Comments

  • +7

    Can’t you go down to the park pond and scoop some up?…

    • +1

      Up to the park, generally pond fish won't make good tank fish

    • +6

      Dunno about that, but one of the weirdest ozb front pagers for sure.

    • +1

      You can in Brisbane. You are more likely to get gambusia but in brissy you can get platies and guppies in park ponds etc.

    • Can I just get the female one and get IVF treatment so I don't have to look at the intimate act?

    • For normal guppies sure, but not for Endlers: They are much rarer, and are usually priced at $6+ at your local pet store (while normal guppies are usually $2-3).

  • +70

    Posting fish?? Geez I have to feel sorry for the fish with the current postage delays….seems like a suicide mission.

    • +1

      make sure you got a squad..

    • +18

      Fishin’ Impossible

    • Partner got a Siamese fish delivered last week. Sealed water plastic bag inside foam box.

    • +1

      Most tropical fish come from over seas for example Brazil. They get posted.

      Some of the classy ones catch private planes.

      • +17

        I can just imagine a fish sitting in a plane with the flight crew coming along with the food cart.

        "Chicken or, um, well, this is akward."

        • BUHAHAHA!! Nice one.

          If I was a fish, I would ask for the shrimp to be brought in and some bottled water (not tap).

          • +3

            @Naigrabzo: Or even worse, the fish responds, no thanks, I brought my own food.

            (Starts eating their children)

            • @MrPants: HAHA. In nature that sort of thing is somewhat common.

              While it's obviously wrong in current culture/society, and humans probably didn't eat, this has happened throughout history.

              With fish, they eat anything smaller than their mouth opening. Can't expect much from an animals with a tiny brain I suppose.

        • I used to do VIP flying in Middle East. One day we took 10 falcons as customers on their own special B737BBJ flight!

    • Have you seen in tiktok, massive fish in plastic bag with water and oxygen ?

    • Our survival rate for Shrimp and fish is about 95%, and we refund/replace all DOA. So likely all good (even to Melb) but there is a small risk.

      • +4

        This time, DOA really means DOA

  • +7

    What are they like once australia post finaly delivers them in 3 months?

    • Cat food

      • food

    • If you voted Labor or Liberal you voted to destroy the postal service by privatising it.

      Australian's seem very slow and incapable of acknowledging reality where every instance of privatising a government service has failed.

      Competition has never decreased prices, increased productivity or created better customer service yet these fools keep claiming that this is "just what normally happens when you privatise".

      • Entirely right.

      • +1

        If you voted Labor or Liberal you voted to destroy the postal service by privatising it.

        No I didn't vote to destroy the postal service, I voted for other reasons

      • +1

        It’s not even fully privatised. Having worked there, and in government, it’s run a lot like you would expect it to be as a government operation really.

        What people don’t realise is the international postal arrangements screw them over because of the assymetry in direction of mail internationally. Aus post has to deliver locally millions of parcels from China for basically free in exchange for the bugger all parcels delivered locally by China post from Australia.

        They’re limited by law in what they can charge for stamps and parcels, and how they can’t charge based on their actual costs to deliver to certain locations domestically as well. It’s not run as a free enterprise at all.

  • +1

    Sounds fishy to me

  • +5


  • +4

    What is this, an arranged marriage?

    • +2

      It's a packaged deal.

  • Would love to get a pair, but not sure if they would survive the trip to Melb, given that there's still shipping delays

    • +1

      Our survival rate for Shrimp and fish is about 95%, and we refund/replace all DOA. So likely all good (even to Melb) but there is a small risk.

  • GuppyHub

  • +6

    Posting fish is pretty normal, works fine if posted express on Monday!

    I wouldn't recommend these as starter fish, they do better in groups and with ~90L. Betta/shrimp great for first tank

  • How do you post guppies?

    • -7

      by checking all the unethical boxes

  • +1

    The parents in general do not eat their children


    • +7

      OP is shockingly wrong. Guppies absolutely do eat their babies so you need a breeder box placed in the tank where the fry fall to the section below and you can much easier feed them baby formula to increase survival chances.

      Been through it myself. Quite surprised they're saying this.

      Example: https://guppy-fish.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/guppy-bree…

      • I find that is common only for smaller/empty/less mature tanks in terms of plant development etc.

        Whilst the parents will eat their young, we've kept a big planted 4ft guppy tank years ago and we started with 3 breeding pairs which ended up birthing hundreds of fish most of which made it to adulthood.

        Depends on the fish and how you keep em 60/40 split.

      • Yep, guppies are one of the worst parents (even worse than quokkas). They regularly try to eat their own young. You don't strictly speaking need a special tank though, if you just have it well planted a few will escape from their parents and other fish. Just don't get too attached to the babies…

        The other big issue is that guppies breed and inbreed like rabbits, probably too fast for many people who are trying to keep them as pets. Very pretty fish though. Not sure I'd feel okay putting them through postage though.

      • We breed them ourselves, and as some others' have stated, as long as they are not in a tiny box, have plenty of hiding spaces and are otherwise well fed, we do not have many issues with parents eating their children. This may be a quirk of this particular strain or species, or because we keep them fairly young and separate the older adults but that is our experience.

    • +1

      yet they call them fry?

  • +1

    "Australia Post prohibits live animals, except for bees, leeches and silkworms packed and labelled as prescribed in D10.1."

    • +7

      What about bears, does anyone know how I can get one of those delivered?

      • +1

        Is it a live bear? They only say they prohib live ones.

        • +1

          A live bear, but will need to be shipped in 2 parts.

      • just download one.

    • Would come by express courier not Aust Post

  • Re postage, one of the bosses at my last job would get bees delivered to the office in the mail.

    Apparently they are put to sleep 🤷‍♂️

    • +8

      bosses at my last job would get bees delivered to the office

      worker bees?

    • Wtf. Why?

      • +2

        For the dogs to shoot out of their mouths at intruders?

      • By put to sleep, they don't mean killed, they mean actually put to sleep.

        Queen bees are routinely purchased for establishing new hives (or replacing queens which have died or been killed) by beekeepers. Obviously for making honey.

        • Yeah i get that but how many times does a person need to do this? I got the impression his boss regularly did it

          • @justtoreply: You'd be quite surprised. I worked with a guy who kept beehives, he quite regularly had to go and get new bees.

  • Not sure about subjecting these things to either postage delays or posties chucking them 20 feet onto people's porches, lol.

    • +1

      If you think about it, all aquarium fish unless bred locally here are flown in from Asia in styrofoam boxes.

    • Our survival rate for Shrimp and fish is about 95%, and we refund/replace all DOA. So likely all good (even to Melb) but there is a small risk.

  • +6

    Breeding pairs

    No no no no no no! If you want to choke out your tank resources, sure - guppies breed like friggin rabbits and they'll never stop breeding.

    • +14

      they'll never stop breeding.

      They will if there's no water

    • Just need some bigger fish to keep the numbers down.

    • This is what happened when I started my first fish tank and I felt sorry for all the feeder fish and bought 20 guppies for $10. Ended up with 70+.

    • Yes, this listing would mostly be for people who would like to try breeding XD

  • +6

    Guys this is the high yield investment you've been wanting for so long!

    • Infinite gains

    • +1

      better than a MB GLC Coupe>C class coupe> CLA/ AudiS3?

  • Someone reported this as illegal.

    • I guess everyone has an opinion, whether they're right or wrong lol

    • +1

      Seems like fish trafficking is perfectly legal! Nothing fishy about it.

      • +1

        It's ok if you make them pick fruit

    • +1

      Nada. Perfectly fine to post fish through couriers etc. It is a multi billion dollar business yo.


    • +17

      Someone reported this as illegal

      They probably marked it as phishing.

  • Am i the only one that would think supporting a local pet shop and not gambling on postage would be the wiser option in this case?

    • +1

      Yes. The local pet shop gets these delivered (postage) instead and takes the risk of loss etc.

    • +1

      Our survival rate for Shrimp and fish is about 95%, and we refund/replace all DOA.So there is a small risk.We are also a family business not a massive company if that matters.

  • +3

    A note of caution to ozbargainers who are tempted to start their own fish tank - fishkeeping can be quite an expensive hobby and time consuming, husbandry is even more so.

    There is no pause or break button - delays with water change because of busy schedule or having them in a tank far too small can often cause suboptimal water conditions leading to fish illnesses or death.

  • -1


    D3.5 – Live animals
    Australia Post prohibits live animals, except for bees, leeches and silkworms
    packed and labelled as prescribed in D10.1.

    Live animals shouldn't be sent by express post, door to door courier are a different matter (but still risky). Should only be sent airport to airport IMO (or bought from your local shop where you can actually inspect the health and condition of the fish yourself), even though it's far more expensive.

  • +4

    I have purchased Endlers from over East before and it worked out great. I am in WA.

    The seller often will inject oxygen into the bag, tie it up and ship it in an insulated box (thats how mine was done to give the fish the best chance of survival).

    These Endlers are not the true Endler type but mixed with Guppy DNA.

    Endlers are really an easy fish to grow and breed well, they will eat their young straight away if the live young hover close to adults.

    Either have a planted tank for them to hide in or use a breeder box.

    After a while they will breed so fast that you won't care.

    Try to have about a 2 to 1 female to male population as the males are constantly harassing the females.

    This is a good fish for beginners as they tolerate a wide range of water conditions.

  • +3

    Try to have about a 2 to 1 female to male population as the males are constantly harassing the females.

    Sounds like my local!

  • +4

    Many local aquarium shops and dedicated businesses like livefish.com.au have been delivering live aquarium fish for years and years. They don't use Australia Post, they use express couriers. I've used them many times for live fish and plants without issue. The fish are usually double bagged in thick bags with oxygen pumped in, and with heating pads in the cooler months, in sealed styrofoam boxes. They'll also usually only send them at the start of the week so they don't sit in a warehouse over a weekend. FYI YMMV.

    • +1

      THIS GUY IS PRO. Listen up phools.

    • +3

      Plus one for livefish.com.au. I ordered 20 fish and it arrived within 3 days via TOLL, all nicely packed and alive.
      Contrast that with a local Sydney fish shop that delivered 17 out of 20 dead neon tetras. Murky/cloudy water, postage notice was 7 days before fish arrived via Auspost express. Very detailed and strict live delivery guarantee so only got 10 fish reimbursed and I was out the $25 delivery fee.

      • Very detailed and strict live delivery guarantee

        Were the other seven only mostly dead?

        • 10/10 fish dead in 1 bag, 1/10 in the other on arrival. Put into tank in plastic bag to acclimatise to water temp, when I got home 4 hrs later to release 6 more dead. Shop wants to be contacted within 1hr of delivery of any dead fish. Needs pictures and VIDEO of all the bags. Surprisingly the live 3 fish are haven't carked it yet. Never again from that shop.

      • Next time try ordering frozen fish from the supermarket. Usually delivered the next day, and for me they’ve always stayed frozen.

        • Should have done that instead. Fresher fish, would smell better and much cheaper delivery

  • These fish don't look like the wild-form purebred Endler Guppies that came into the trade 8-10 years ago. These in the ad look like they've been cross-bred with normal Guppies of various varieties.

    • Yes these are not pure Endlers. That is why we include the images of the exact fish.

  • cats' best friends

  • +1

    Is this ok with the RSPCA cos it sounds like cruelty to me

    • +1

      Yeah, they don't care about fish. Only fashionable animals like dogs, cats and the like.

  • +1

    I bred guppies as a teenager, they kept interbreeding until all were an olive brown colour, they then started getting weird deformities (kinks in their backs etc), after 3 or 4 turned into 200 eventually they all died (I presume) for over in-breeding.

    I'm thinking it must be a "cruel to be kind" type of hobby where you have to selectively kill most of your pets to keep the others healthy….

    I decided it wasn't for me.

    • Same thing happening with my platys, keep breeding from 6 fish. Kids have been asking why the bigger fish keep disappearing overnight….hides net behind back

  • +1

    God damn I love this site for all the weird shit that pops up.

  • Guppies are perfect food for Arowanas. Much more convenient than feeding them with house mice.

  • Can you eat these

    • +1

      Preferably with a bit of soy sauce and wasabi.

    • Too small but generally people don't eat pets. But then I don't judge. They eat dogs in Vietnam.

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