SSD Upgrade or Just Do It All?

Hey all;

hope youre all doing well and snatching up some amazing deals; if not I wish you all a happy and safe weekend!

currently running a Ryzen 3600+B450M Tomahawk+16GB Ram with a 3080ti on 34" 144hz ultra in a Lian Li O11 case.

I've been eyeing off upgrading my SSD's for a while now; mostly because my current HDD is 6 years+ old now and the current SSD's I have are too small for half the games atm.

I've been looking at the MX500's from Crucial and looking at 2TB (…) and possibly getting a larger M2 NVME but I dont wanna go through reinstalling Windows etc again.

That being said; I wouldn't be opposed to upgrading to a 5600X+Mobo and going from 16gb to 32gb ram. Ideally needs to have an ARGB and USB C header and a second NVME would be awesome but not needed.

I did see an MSI X570 2nd hand for $180 but was just wondering what your thoughts are with DDR5 coming out soon etc

Or if you've seen any really good deals atm that just are kick ass that I may have missed.

Thank you all,

much love


  • -1

    You're not getting the absolute most out of that 3080Ti with a Ryzen 3600 on anything higher than 1080p.

    Definitely upgrade to SSDs though. You don't specifically need M.2. That's not mutually exclusive from other upgrades but a necessity.

    • +2

      Ahh I've heard the bottlenecks are quite minimal though, like less than 3%.…

      Since I'm playing on just a bit Ultrawide; idk if its gonna really be worth spending $300+ for like 5 frames

    • +3

      It works the other way around, the higher the resolution the less strain on the CPU because there's less information being delivered to the GPU (and the GPU is doing all the work). Run at 1080p it would definitely be CPU bound but at 4K there's going to be near zero difference between CPUs, unless it's a particularly CPU intensive game.

      • -2

        This is not correct as a principle. The only scenario where CPU would be less taxed is if the higher resolution results in lower framerates.

        But claiming 4K60 is less CPU taxing than 1080p60 is not correct.

        • +3

          The only scenario where CPU would be less taxed is if the higher resolution results in lower framerates.

          I.E the real world higher where higher resolutions result in lower framerates. You were saying OP needed a faster CPU to get the most out of the GPU at higher resolutions, that's complete rubbish. Even by your point at a fixed framerate, spending money on a CPU would deliver nothing.

          A 3080ti running 1080p60 would not be stressed in the slightest, a faster CPU wouldn't do anything to change that.

          Stop worrying about being wrong and inventing imaginary scenarios just to defend your advice, it's not helpful to the OP.

          • -1

            @freefall101: I think you have misunderstood and conflating different things. Not interested in a protracted debate, but will leave OP to do their own research if this topic is of interest.

  • +2

    fyi, you can migrate windows to a new drive without needing to reinstall.

    • Ahh yeah; I've generally always been under the impression though that New Mobo and complete clean install is always a good idea though

      • It is probably more of a thing if you are switching to Intel (or Intel switching to AMD), but with staying on AMD (or the same CPU maker) it might be fine.

        But nowadays windows clean install is a lot less painful with the speeds of SSD.

      • +1

        If she boots do an in place upgrade, this is a new windows install but it keeps your data files and produces a list of programs it uninstalled so you can reinstall them, or not, as we amass lots of crappy programs over the years.

        M.2 drive is definitely the way to go over a SATA connected SSD.

        • i already have an m2 512GB but was just thinking maybe I just do an upgrade ahah

  • +4

    Get SSD and upgrade current storage, including getting NVMe if you want. They can follow you in the future upgrades.

    CPU wise if you really want, you can get a 5600X to maximise 3080Ti (really depends on your gaming res) but I'd probably wait for Zen3 Vcache in the next few months. I'd keep the B450 board unless you've got a reason to need PCIe 4.0, ie if you are getting a proper PCIe 4.0 NVMe SSD. AM4 platform has been amazing in terms of CPU compatibility without limiting CPU potentials from new generations.

    Modularity and "upgradability" is often a strength of desktop PC building (which unfortunately has been diminished in the past years due to shenanigans by certain makers), so definitely use that strength especially when there's no adverse effect on future performances.

    • Thank you! Sounds good. I think I may just pick up the SSD for now; and I guess the ram upgrade would be beneficial too if I can get it. The Mobo upgrade would be mostly so I can get some benefit out of my USB-C header and like ARGB cause Tomahawk only has 12v not 5V headers

      • Do you mean upgrading to DDR5 when mentioning RAM? It won't be until AM5 platform (so in next year and the upgrade after the Zen 3 V cache release). Otherwise it'll be Intel but DDR5 is only helpful in limited workloads and can have performance regression in latency sensitive workloads. I'd recommend checking out hardware unboxed and/or anandtech article for more info.

        • Ah no, I mean just picking up either 2 more 8gb sticks of the same ram; or just buying new sticks for 32GB of DD4

          • +1

            @ibilateral: Ah I see. Yea should be good to just get 2 more sticks of same RAM.

            Happy shopping!

  • New MX500's warranty TBW is halved compare to the old one.

  • My only thought on holding off would be to get more m.2 slots. While there are X570S boards with more than 2, the 12th gen Intel boards all seem to have at least 3 (I've seen up to 5). Doesn't matter much now but being able to slot in extra nvme drives for more storage isn't a bad thing.

    • Yep thats what Im thinking. Ill just get a 2tb ssd and get another 2 sticks of my ram ($129 woo)

  • Your CPU is fine, just go for the SSD.

  • Simple. Get NVME, keep everything else (but upgrade the CPU) if you really want. Up to you if you want to upgrade memory, 3600 DDR4 is really cheap now.

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