OzBargain Daily Newsletters Are Now Available!

We have just rolled out a new feature that will allow you to subscribe to daily newsletters from OzBargain, which are delivered to the email address specified for your user account. The information in the newletter will contain:

  • Popular deals in the last 24 hours, subject to your filtering preferences
  • New Forum Topics
  • New comments and replies in response to your posts and comments

To subscribe to the newsletter, go to your user account page, select the "edit" menu tab, then the "newsletter" sub menu tab, where you can set your preferences, as well as opt-in or opt-out. By default, users are not subscribed to the newsletter.

The newsletters are sent out early every morning.

Do let us know what you think. Thanks!


  • The newsletters are good but they don't show all of the deals that have come in over the last day. Some suggestions….

    1. Could there be an option for newsletters that contain either all of the new listings for the last 24 hours and/or all of the listings that have hit the front page in the last 24 hours.

    2. There's been a number of times where I have missed a deal because it's 1 day only and I haven't looked that day. Could we have an option to have newsletters sent at say 18:00 or 19:00 each day?


    • +1

      Hi Bystander, thanks for your feedback.

      Could there be an option for newsletters that contain either all of the new listings for the last 24 hours and/or all of the listings that have hit the front page in the last 24 hours.

      We are currently limiting the newsletter to contain the top 10 deals in the past 24 hours, but we can certainly add an option so that users can increase the max number of deals. Once this has happened, simply set your newsletter preference to only show deals that have more than 15 votes (to simulate front page listing) and show deals > 0 votes (to simulate all deals listing) here. The minimum votes setting is already available, but you may not see the effects at the moment because we are limiting to top 10 deals.

      There's been a number of times where I have missed a deal because it's 1 day only and I haven't looked that day. Could we have an option to have newsletters sent at say 18:00 or 19:00 each day?

      We try to send the newsletters early in the morning as most people would probably check their email in the morning, and also, it is a quiet time for the server and shouldn't affect performance. Once we have enough subscribers, and depending on feedback, we may allow users to get the newsletters more frequently (e.g. twice a day).

  • Thanks moocher

    Totally understand about not wanting to overload the server during the busy PM times. Although if it ever becomes possible I would still prefer to have the newsletter sent PM rather than AM. It appears to me that most of the new deals are posted during the day. For myself I don't read emails in the morning or at work so I get to read them when I come home. Unfortunately by this time some of the deals are more than 24 hours old and I've missed a few.

    Not complaining here at all because I really like the site.

    • Bystander, sorry about the delay in implementing this. As of today, you can choose either am/midday/pm timeslots for the newsletter. You can do this by going to your 'Settings', and under the edit tab, choose the 'Newsletter' sub menu.

      Edit: See today's announcement for details.

      • Perfect!!

        Thank you.

  • I haven’t received a daily newsletter for a couple of days now 🤷‍♂️

    • And suddenly I just got 1 👍

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