Best Value Items to Put in A Charity Christmas Gift Box

Our office is getting involved with Operation Christmas Child which is run by Samaritan's Purse. Basically you choose a gender and age group and pack a shoe box sized container with small gifts which are then delivered at Christmas to kids living in poverty around the world.

So what gifts (under $10) does OzBargain think would most improve the quality of life of a child living in poverty?


  • +4

    Drawing pad and coloured pencils or textas

  • +4

    They usually have a guide included with the fliers. From memory it goes: Something for play, something for school, something to wear, something for hygiene.

    e.g. for a young child, a stuffed animal, a notebook and some pencils, a t-shirt, a toothbrush.

    • Yeah I've seen the literature I'm more asking for people's ideas on what are some useful things that most people wouldn't think of or alternatively things that people think are useful which in reality aren't.

  • +1

    Shoes are somewhat cheap and very useful. At one school I was at, we sent balls and frisbees but the kids didn’t have any shoes.

    • This is an awesome suggestion, thank you!

  • +2

    Socks, with a lovely kids design they are cheerful and practical. Here is a place you can buy 24 pairs for $12.…

  • -3

    Fortnite voucher.

  • -1

    2 bottles of Franklin mineral water? Or 3 bottles of Voss? Kidding but truth is there are kids who never know how good water can taste.

    Another option is chocolate, but it might melt depends on where the parcel is sent to.

    Another option is thongs, I saw they are $2 a pair in best & less. $10 can get them 5 pairs.

  • +1

    Shoe (even flip flop is worth), clothes ( they can barely find something to put on their back so a shirt, short,..) and a small bag of rice ( a cup of rice can feed a lot of people),…

    *Flip flop ( 1$50 to 2$ at kmart or big W)
    * shirt (2$50 to 3$ at kmart or big W)
    * short (2$50 to 3$ at kmart or big W)
    * rice 1kg ( 3$ at coles or woolworth)

    • +3

      2$50 looks like 2 for $50

      • Thanks for pointing out😂😂 just realised it. Well, it s only 1,50$ or 2,50$. But definetly items that worth a lot for kids in some country!

    • +1
      • flip flops ($1.50 to $2 at Kmart or Big W)
      • shirt ($2.50 to $3 at Kmart or Big W)
      • shorts ($2.50 to $3 at Kmart or Big W)
      • rice 1kg ($3 at Coles or Woolworths)
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