I just got an email from Greenseas (I think I'm on their mailing list from ages ago when they had that free spoon) saying that Coles is no longer stocking Greenseas Tuna. Anyone know why this is happening? It seems weird.
Coles Not Stocking Greenseas Tuna?

prob Coles want to push their own brand
Which is probably packaged by Greenseas :-)
most likely but $1 (when on special) for greenseas tuna is hard to beat
Coles are delisting a lot of products they only want to stock the market leader and maybe no 2 and there own brand ,you will see alot more of this as it keeps there stock holdings down and bigger profits = more jobs lost in the industry
You know what, I really don't give a s**t! The more crap processed food that's kept off the shelf the better.
I'm not knocking the above poster, just calling it how I see it.its not about the processed crap in the stores its about bigger pays to the bosses and profits and less jobs
Don't know…but there's definitely something fishy going on there.
I noticed this a couple of days ago: The tuna that Coles rejects…
Maybe the problem is the Greenseas beat Coles in the Greenpeace tuna sustainability report ?
lol jealousy
weird how sirena is sold at coles, however it is the least sustainable
Email http://img189.imageshack.us/img189/2948/wtfdc.png
OCAU http://forums.overclockers.com.au/showthread.php?t=941296
Taste http://www.taste.com.au/forums/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=17722&si…
Lottos http://www.lottos.com.au/forum/viewthreadlite.php?tid=239703
funny how on the email, coles promotes going to its competitors
the email was from greenseas :)
o true
Contract deals? It's screwed…I believe companies actually have to pay Coles/Woolworths to stock their products. Correct me if I'm wrong…
Or Coles wanted to pay less than Greenseas wanted to sell it for…or Coles wants to push it's homebrand tuna.