• expired

Dick Smith Games Clearance 50% Further Reduced (eg MW3, Skyrim $10, Sfxt $12.50)


I know some of these were posted previously but they are now a further 50% disounted so deserved its own posting. Go, go, go!

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Dick Smith / Kogan
Dick Smith / Kogan

closed Comments

  • +2

    Couple of good deals. Saw WOW Cata for $1.87 and MoP for $5. Skylanders original starter packs for $12.50.

  • Link not working. Comes up with the following

    JSP Processing Error

    HTTP Error Code: 500

    Error Message:
    Filter [bmhtml]: filter is unavailable.

    Root Cause:
    javax.servlet.ServletException: Filter [bmhtml]: filter is unavailable.

    • apologies - realised link was only to the bluray listings, tried to fix it and screwed it up even more. All fixed now.

  • i got 'high website traffic volumes'

    most things are ridiculously cheap but there is no stock!

  • Cool. Now I'll be clearing out their shelves

  • +3

    Games instock for home delivery
    Max Payne 3: $12.5
    Gunstringer: $5
    Lord Of The Rings - War In The North $7.5
    Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 $10
    Battlefield 3 $10
    Doom 3 BFG Edition $10
    Final Fantasy XIII-2 $12.5
    Batman Arkham City $12.5

    Only bought Skyrim for $10

    • Max Payne 3 for $12.50 is unbelievable. I just finished the game last night, it was a work of art. Brilliant story, graphics and gameplay.

      • +2

        I got it for $5 form Xbox live market place:)
        havent played it yet though.

    • Is that list for Xbox?

  • Geez good deals there. I'd raid the nearest store if it was in walking distance.

  • fifa 12 is $7.50 with free delivery!

  • +4

    Thanks OP.

    Managed to grab Skyward Sword for $12.50, although delivery cost me an additional $4.95.


    • I missed out on this game again! I'm just going to give up now, my Wii is too dusty :\

      • Check it again. It appears to still be in stock for home delivery.

  • +5

    Oh my. $89.50 for a 320gb playstation 3.

    • Wow! No stock around me though :(

    • +3

      Good luck finding one

    • +3

      You say it like someone somewhere will actually be able to buy it.

      • Yeah - anyone get one?

        Surely someone in the OZB community would have, if there was decent stock?

        Come on, any lurkers out there?

        • +4

          I found one, but damn DSE employee has put it on hold for himself. It's an ex-display model though.

        • +7

          I'm truly amazed you even got that close.

  • +2

    more DSE deal's that you cant get in store!! Dick sort you stuff out!

    • You can, just have to be lucky. Got Skylanders PS3 pack for $12.50 in store, Battlefield 3 PS3 for $10 and Fifa football vita for $5.

      Plus placed an order an hour before this deal went up for another 6 games.

  • Wish anyone luck finding the Wii bundle for $37.12 as well, but I'm sure there's still one or two gathering dust on a shelf somewhere in a regional or rural area.

    • Lauceston & Morwell (Vic) show 'low stock'.
      So does Innaloo (Large)

      I doubt there is actually stock anywhere at that price

  • +1

    WoW Pandaria $5… sold!
    Finally my OzBargain Cheapskatedness allows me to play this expansion :).

    Thanks OP.

    • +1

      They have a 7 free day promo running at the moment also for non subscribed wow players, ends 22nd I think. So use your free panda trial, then 7 day promo then add key :p

      • thanks for headsup :).

  • +1

    Great prices, shame no stock..

  • +1

    In before "Dick's Dodgy Deals" posts about having no stock…

    • +1

      Aaaand its gone

  • +3

    Available for home delivery:
    Xbox 360 Black Eye Peas Experience $1.87
    Skylanders Mini Sling Bag $5.00 (Low stock - Sold out?)
    Skylanders Carrying Case $3.75 (Low stock - Sold out?)
    Skylanders Warnado Character Pack $3.00
    Skylanders Giants: Season 2 Character Pack - Zook $4.49

  • Does any one know if you can get price adjustments for recent purchases (<2 weeks ago)?

    • I feel that way about my video camera I bought on Saturday for $274. It's now $137.

      • Doesn't hurt to ask.

        Use a 28 degrees credit card next time for price protection.

        • +2

          Should I use 28 degrees or ING paywave? emmmm first world problem right there

        • I have used 28 degrees on it, however I've never submitted a claim before.

          I bought a Wii console earlier this year too for $99 I think it was. Would price protection work on the $37.12 advertised price it is now?

        • If it is within 6months you should be able to file a claim.

        • I asked 2 stores. They can't do anything about it.

      • They have a 14 day return policy. Pack it up, take it in for full refund, then repurchase

        • They ditched their return policy a while back from memory?

        • Asked about returns and was told they dont do it on clearance products.

    • buy it again then return it with your old receipt

      • I've been told you can't return clearance items

  • +2

    MW3 for $9.75? Why not…

  • +1

    Thanks op got a couple of PS Vita games for $10 each

  • Do any of the stores in ACT ever have stuff on sale? The last 3 times I have gone in-store when these sales are on, there have been pretty much trading as usual (i.e. no real sales).

    • I think its mostly for online orders…stores have a clearance bins, but not much stock as usual.

      • i went into tuggers and they dont have ANY of the sale items.

        they are selling WoW Cata for $5 (instead of the $1.87 online price), and a few pieces of junk… but none of the good online stuff.

    • +1

      They're just too lazy to put up clearance tickets. I was in Belconnen Mall just before 5 today and picked up at least 8 games, and there was still stock there.
      Scanned at discounted prices

    • I went to DSE Majura Park yesterday and picked up 4 games for $35. Still a reasonable amount of stock there!

  • -3

    Dont bother going to the Adelaide City store i just cleaned them out.

    I left maybe 2 games there

  • +2

    I find it odd that my local store has run out of stock on everything, but they're not even open today due to an staffing problem (have been like this for a few days)..

    What's up Dick?

  • +1

    Wii Remote with Wii Play and Driver San Francisco for 37 cents.

    Good one Dick.

    • Damn it, store near me says it has stock, but then realised it's just the Wii Remote and not the Wii motion plus remote.

      Ah well, saved me a trip.

      • +5

        Oh yeah, 'cause normal wii remote isn't worth 37 cents…

        • It isn't when it won't work with the games I play that require the Wii motion plus.

          This is 37c I'd rather spend on other things then have something I can't use at all ;-)

  • Snapped up UFC Undisputed 3 and Batman Arkham city delivered for $32.45, Would have come to about $50 from OGS. thanks op.

  • +3

    The Sims 3 for $79.98… LOL

  • +4

    Just picked up Prototype 2, Saints Row 3 and Skyrim for $30 at Nunawading.
    Still had a fair bit of stock:
    Saints row ps3 and xbox
    War of the North ps3
    Need for speed the run ps3
    MW3 ps3 and xbox
    Rayman origins ps3
    Final Fantasy x13 (or whatever it was) ps3 and xbox
    WWE12 ps3
    and a lot of others I can't remember
    All stock were marked at twice the price but as the price drop has just happened overnight, the stock matches what's online.
    Good luck finding stuff people

    • +2

      +1, went to Nunawading today and their stock levels were decent. Picked up Prototype 2 cheap cheap :)

    • +2

      Thanks for posting stock levels, went at lunch and got nba12, saints row 3 and NFS the run.

  • +2

    I'll embrace anyone who managed to get this


    • 37c !!!

      I bet the staff bought it out even before it was posted online by the webmaster.

  • Westlakes SA, had quite a few xbox 360 games in a bin on Sunday. I do note many weren't sealed, so no good for Brodens.

  • Prices will be marked higher than what they actually are the sale only started this morning.

  • No stock online again, and can't home deliver…

  • +1

    Just ordered online:

    Vita Virtual Tennis 4
    Vita Rayman Origins
    Vita Unit 13

    Total came to $34.95 thanks op.

  • The clearance bucket was at a store yesterday with the 50% off sign on it. Bought Arkham asylum for $25 (still seemed like a good price). Will I be able to get the difference back if I still have my receipt?

  • +1

    Doom 3 for $10. Yes please.

  • Damn i want Doom 3

  • +1

    Deal appears to have ended? BF3 and other games appear to be back up to $50+ from their previous $10 sale prices.

  • BF3 only $10 lol, cheap as chips too bad there no stock anywhere near me just like the last time it went on sale, sigh…

  • North sydney still has a few ps3 prototype 2, wow pandaria had stacks full, lot of skylander crap, a copy of: mw3, ff13 ps3.

  • +1

    My local DSE had about 8 copies of Zelda skyward sword when i was in there 2 days ago, they had been there for months for $25, now they magically have none left when hey open and the price drops to $12.50.

    • Same here, Nunawading store had lots left but now nothing!

      • All out of FIFA 12 on 3ds too?

  • Got:

    Unit 13, Lumines and Smart As for VITA. $31 sweet!!

  • Ended up getting MW3, Saint's Row 3 and SF vs Tekken.

    Good deals. Thanks OP.

  • +2

    Top Ryde has a few copies if Pc and Xbox MW3, ps3 saints row 3 and a few Wow mists.

  • +2

    i also ordered online the following vita games.

    Vita Virtual Tennis 4
    Vita Rayman Origins
    Vita Unit 13

    nice….. now all I need to purchase is a vita.

    • LOL, me too. Waiting on a good deal.

  • Xbox Mass Effect 3: $69.95. WTF?

  • Apparently It's down to the Store manager if he allows for copies to be put aside but he wouldn't allow me to put aside MW3 On PS3 he's got 3 Left as they are marked wrong anyways but scan through at the prices mentioned all here. Off to Dicksmith! :)

  • -1

    things are getting sold out as a put them in my basket, good job ozbarginers!

  • +1

    MW3 for PC $10.. woohoo

    George St store has plenty of MW3 for XBOX360 and about a dozen for PC.

  • Grabbed Borderlands 2 PS3 for $12.50 and Ghost Recon Future Soldier Xbox for $10. Thanks for the heads up OP!

  • I took the last copy of Resistance Burning Skies ($10) from Hurstville store.

    If you're at Hurstville Westfield, there is a copy of SFXT in the bargain bin along with a few other games.

  • +1

    I got from the Adelaide City Store

    Max Payne 3
    Batman Arkham City
    Street Fighter X Tekken
    Final Fantasy XIII-2
    Rayman Originals
    Need for speed The Run

    XBOX 360
    Max Payne 3
    Street Fighter X Tekken
    Rayman Originals
    Need for speed The Run
    Fifa 12

    • many left?

  • +3

    Don't panic if you are after PC games - the Steam summer sale will be on soon, and you'll probably find games like Skyrim, Max Payne 3 etc for less than $10. Additionally the Legendary Edition of Skyrim will be out soon, bundling together all the game's DLC with the base game.

  • +2

    Still some gems to be had in glen Waverley (not much though) grabbed spec ops the line for $7.50, cheers op

  • Best bet is just to go in store if you have time and see what stock they have left. In George St store they haven't bothered to label these clearance items with the correct price tag, but the system still registers the discounted price as indicated by the website.

    • Anything good left?

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