What Is This Thing? It's Driving Me Nuts

OK so I've only noticed this recently, it pops up on random youtube clips and even on some videos not related to YT. The damn thing is everywhere ATM.

Here's 2 examples from different sources, you'll notice the empty box on the left had side of the pic.


Is it merely an overused effect that all the cool kids are doing right now?
Is it just in my imagination?
Are they sophons?



  • -3

    It's just a lens flare effect. What sort of videos are you watching? That doesn't look like Mat Armstrong.

    • I dunno who Mat Armstrong is, the first was a grab from a YT Allan Watts vid. The 2nd from the recent Bon Jovi bio. But as I said it's popping up randomly on a lot of different vids on different channels.

  • +3

    Its the modern day star wipe…

    • +3

      The question is why does the star wipe need to be modernised? It’s the only wipe you ever need

      Now Star wipe and I’m out

  • -8

    ask chatgpt not a bargain forum

    • With that tone we’d soon be hearing “ask chatgpt for bargains as well not an internet forum”

  • +1

    I think they’re using an effect that is supposed to look like old school film, and the square/rectangle are the film’s sprocket holes (close up).

  • -1

    Yo 8-moths, that link you have provided leads to about a thousand different things. No way to tell what you are on about. Over and out.

    • Huh? I just checked it, the first two pics on the page if you don't scroll down.

  • It's very strange…Is it happening on every device you use or just one device? An app or a browser on the device?

    Can you post a link to the videos so we can check if we see it also?

    • +2

      OP's wording is a bit confusing, I think OP is trying to ask why people are adding this effect in their videos as opposed to OP's device.

      • OP's wording is a bit confusing

        OP is a bit confusing


    • Yes I'm seeing it on the PC and the Shield. I'm staring to suspect it's just the latest trendy effect that content creators are getting onto. I'll not down when it pops up the next few times and post links.

  • OP is a FDH



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