Boo'ing in Sport

So the lunatics in the media are out again because imho they got nothing better to write about as the media is filled with talentless hacks, for some reason boo'ing Buddy Franklin is being 'deemed' racists but at the same time not a single mention of the fact Tom Papley was also being booed by the opposition Collingwood supporters….

I might be 'way off' here but i dont 'really have an issue with fans booing opposition players [or even their own players if they dont perform] i think the media needs a story and the woke racism 'outrage merchants' are all the fade these days.

However im open to change is 'booing' Aborginal players racist but booing non-aboringal players not racist. Is booing just a bit of a jerk move from the crowd or is booing just part of competitive sport and the players are very well paid professionals and should accept that it creates atmosphere and is part of the game.

I dont support 'fans abusing players' ie calling someone out with a racist slur etc but i think booing is part of the game, fans generally do it to put opposition players off and i kind of feel like the talentless hacks in the media media are the racist for suggesting there is anything racist about it…esp not mentioning other players getting boo'ed because they are not a 'racial minority'

Buddy has been questioned, he doesnt want to talk about it. When the 'journos' questioned him he seemed to not give a stuff and is more seem geniunly more uncomfortable being lime light of this issue then being boo'ed on the pitch - credit to him for not making a big deal of it and just trying to get on with footy.

on the flip side, Collingwood football club has apologiesed to Buddy in a attempt to not be painted as racists which in the crazy PC world we live in i understand.

Poll Options

  • 113
    Fans pay their money they can boo if they want
  • 40
    Boo'ing is not ok
  • 5
    Booing is ok but boo'ing Aborginal players is racist
  • 8
    I dont know but i agree the media are hacks


    • +2

      It's probably better if booing is banned

      Why should it be banned ?

      • -8

        AFL doesn't and has never had a current player who was gay and out. For a long time it never had players that were indigenous. Vilifying individual players should perhaps be banned because it's ugly and unsporting. Perhaps booing umpires and specific plays could be allowed, but booing someone just for existing seems like something no one wants to see. Perhaps booing shouldn't' be banned, but vilifying the players (rather than plays and decisions as they occur) should be.

        Then again I don't even watch AFL so I don't really care. When I do watch I kinda enjoy it for the general athleticism of it and those very form fitting uniforms.

        • +4

          For a long time it never had players that were indigenous.

          True, between 1896 and 1903 there we no indigenous players.

          That was a very long time…🙄

        • +2

          For a long time it never had players that were indigenous

          Haha, what sort of garbage are you talking.

          • -1

            @brendanm: The first indigenous Australian Rules Football player to play in the Victorian Football League (now known as the Australian Football League or AFL) was Des 'Tuddy' Rowe, who made his debut for Carlton in 1950. However, it's important to note that many indigenous players were excluded from playing in the VFL due to racial policies and discrimination until the 1980s.

            The origins of Australian rules football (AFL) can be traced back to the 1850s, with various forms of the game being played in Melbourne, Victoria. However, the first official game of Australian rules football is generally considered to have been played on May 31, 1858, between Melbourne Grammar School and Scotch College at Yarra Park in Melbourne. The Victorian Football League (VFL), which later became the Australian Football League (AFL), was formed in 1897.

              • -1

                @brendanm: Joe Johnson is sometimes considered the first Indigenous Australian to play in the AFL/VFL, as he had Indigenous ancestry on his mother's side. However, there is some debate over whether he should be considered the first Indigenous player, as he did not publicly identify as Indigenous during his playing career and his heritage was not widely known until after his retirement.

                So basically it's like saying there has already been many gay AFL players, only no one else knew they were gay…

                • +2

                  @AustriaBargain: What does someones sexuality have to do with kicking a ball exactly?

                  • -1

                    @brendanm: You tell me, if it was a non issue then why are gay AFL players too scared to come out?


                    • +1

                      @AustriaBargain: There are lots of Australian Football players who are openly gay.

                      • -1

                        @GG57: Name 10.

                        • +1

                          @AustriaBargain: Why?
                          It doesn't make them any better or worse as a player. That is all the teams and supporters care about.
                          Why is 10 the magical number that you need to accept that there are?

                    • +4

                      @AustriaBargain: Maybe they just don't want to & not because they're scared but because it's no one else's business

                    • +1

                      @AustriaBargain: How do I know? It has nothing to do with playing football. Perhaps they realise that who they have sex with has nothing to do with the game, or anyone else outside of their partner? Lots of people could take a leaf out of their book in that case.

            • @AustriaBargain: Marngrook

          • +1

            @brendanm: The usual sort.

    • +8

      I agree with you till the point that booing anyone is just plain stupid and futile.

      But what’s also stupid is this current growing culture of some people feeling so compelled to tell everyone else what their sexual leanings are. It’s mental, why not just keep your private life private and live your life like normal.
      This is almost become a fad, our kids are being drastically left behind academically on the global stage but are instead hyper obsessed with somehow sourcing their personal identities from some made up sexual identity and what pronouns they wanna go by.

      • -1

        Please. Ever since a football was invented there have been footballers wives/girlfriends/etc. being a big part of the game. Player swill stand out there with their wives and girlfriends on the field during ceremonies and such. Yet despite statistically there being quite a few gay players by now, there has never been a player out there with his boyfriend or husband. I think some people are perfectly fine with sexuality being rubbed in their faces all day every day, just so long as it's their own sexuality which they already take for granted. Humans are sexual beings and our entire society and culture is built up around that fact.

        • +8

          Players merely existing and being with their wives/husbands etc is different from the million pride events and commercials that we see. All catered to that 1% minority that actually fits that demographic.
          Those long winded tweets from people about ‘coming out’ and making such a big song and dance about it.
          Homophobia exists but one doesn’t always need to combat people with alternate ideas. Just live your life, 90%+ population already agrees with you and supports you. You have all the state protection, endless corporate quotas, where does one realise to ignore the stupid minority and stop pretending that we are living in some dark barbaric times.
          Most of it is about seeking attention and claiming that sweet sweet victim status. Just the bitter truth.
          I don’t agree with most libs/racists here, I don’t go seeking for them to start a fight so I could play the victim.

          Humans are sexual beings and our entire society and culture is built up around that fact.

          I am talking about not confusing your sexual persuasion with your innate value and identity.
          They are two different things.

          We are quickly moving towards degeneracy at the rate we are going but sure, let’s all pretend that we don’t see what we see all around us.

          • -3

            @Gervais fanboy: Every time you see a straight couple on TV, or a plot line in Home and Away about tensions or excitements while dating, or a sexy lady underwear ad, you are seeing heterosexuality being catered for in society. Every little girl who spends their lives dreaming about their ideal husband and wedding, opening shops just for wedding goods and decorations, big announcements in newspapers, big announcements of engagements at dinner parties, is all catering to heterosexuality. Sexuality is core to most heterosexual people's identity and their values and has been since before recorded history. But when the shoe is on the other foot, when it comes to gay and lesbian people, you suddenly want them to keep it quiet because it makes you sick to your stomach to see it flaunted openly? Pah-lease.

            • +12


              you are seeing heterosexuality being catered for in society

              Wow, okay
              So movies and commercials depicting the 99% of the population to seem relatable is them catering towards heterosexuality and not just depicting the actual reality?
              Ofcos 1% needs and deserves representation too, okay But how much is enough?
              Atleast for the last two decades, the 1% are being overrepresented everywhere to the point that everything is about that 1% now. They are changing birth certificates, school curriculum, basic linguistic norms etc etc
              How much representation is enough representation for you?
              Gender dysphoria has gone up ten folds, why do you think that’s happening?

              Sexuality is core to most heterosexual people's identity

              This is the difference between you and me.
              You look at everyone through the lens of their race and skin colour (referring to that other post where you openly slandered me).
              Maybe try seeing people as people as opposed to them being heterosexuals/homosexuals.
              And people genuinely are way way more than what their sexual orientations is.
              Aren’t you a psychology student or something, how are you struggling to understand this?

              you suddenly want them to keep it quiet because it makes you sick to your stomach to see it flaunted openly

              Never said that or even alluded to anything like that.
              You are sneakily trying to slander me again.
              Again, hateful people like yourself shouldn’t be the one’s crusading for social justice. You need to work on yourself first.

              • +7

                @Gervais fanboy: I think the biggest problem I have with diversity, which means less straight white males, is when they destroy an existing IP or misrepresent history.

                The other thing I take issue with is awards shows are now only allowing shows that meet their diversity quota to be nominated.

                • +4

                  @[Deactivated]: And they are confusing and roping in the average unassuming Joe by misaligning equity with equality.

                  Imagine your life’s soo good now that you have to go back in time to look for historical wrongs to now overcorrect against. That’s true privilege right there..

              • -3

                @Gervais fanboy:

                8.6% of Australian men and 15.1% of women self reported either feelings of attraction to the same sex or some sexual experience with the same sex

                Bear in mind that there could be Australians who felt attraction to the same sex or have some sexual experience with the same sex who weren't willing to report it in the study, so it could be even higher in reality.

                • +5

                  @AustriaBargain: What does that stat have to do with anything tho?
                  Attraction has nothing to do with actual sexual preference and even further from gender identity.
                  Ofcourse it's higher, but it means nothing in the scheme of what is the norm within our society.

            • +3

              @AustriaBargain: It's the norm, the majority, nothing wrong with that.
              And don't create lies about someone elses opinions or words when they've never said anything about being sick to their stomach. Assumptions are dangerous, don't do it without any factual basis.

              • @cookie2:

                We are quickly moving towards degeneracy at the rate we are going but sure, let’s all pretend that we don’t see what we see all around us.

                So degeneracy doesn't make you feel sick?

                • +4

                  @AustriaBargain: Ahh i see. I think you've assumed the context of the word 'degenracy' as peoples sexual orientation. I didn't take it that way at all. I took it in the context of degeneracy within our society. And I too feel that our society continues to become more degenerate. Drugs, crime, behaviour towards others, values that I dont think create a 'good' society, victim satus, finding racism, trans or gayphobia in made up places and the reduction of freedom of opinion and expression.
                  I mean getting back to the point of the post, sport has teams and is competitive. Spectators care and are passionate about the game and also individual players they love or sometimes hate. While I personally find booing rude if it's continued and singled at a person, i can't find fault if there's booing and cheering after someone gets a point etc ie. The booing/cheering is more about the act, rather than the person. There's a limit to this and also depends on the norms in the sport (eg. Would be normal for soccer but not for tennis).
                  But I would never consider that booing should be banned and cameras facing the crowds to identify the main booer because of concerns of racist booing. That just makes me think of 1984.
                  I mean how much of a real issue do you really think racist booing is in 2023?

                • +2

                  @AustriaBargain: You have 0 integrity and have now openly resorted to lying here..This is the second time you have done this too
                  I made the point of degeneracy against this -

                  Humans are sexual beings and our entire society and culture is built up around that fact.

                  Go back and check again. I wrote that against the ‘human’ population in general and not against ‘gays and lesbians’ in particular

                  But you, like a little 🐀 changed that to

                  when it comes to gay and lesbian people, you suddenly want them to keep it quiet because it makes you sick to your stomach to see it flaunted openly.

                  You have heavily manipulated my statements again.

                  Like a ****, you wouldn’t even acknowledge this as you have never done so in the past. Shame on you and your expensive education that you keep talking about. Shame on you.
                  And btw unlike you libs, no one here has even reported your hateful and libellous comments.
                  And you lot think that you are the ‘tolerant’ ones. GimmeAbreak.

                  • @Gervais fanboy: @AustriaBargain
                    So you are just gonna hide now?
                    Be a MAN, grow a pair and atleast apologise.
                    You have been blatantly lying like this for quite some time now.
                    Bloody wolf in sheep’s clothing over here. Doing more harm than good for the people you pretend to care soo much about.

                    • -1

                      @Gervais fanboy: I’m sorry, I misjudged you and that wasn’t fair on you. You clearly are supportive of the idea of 12% proportional representation of same sex sexuality in society and media, just as much as heterosexuality is represented in every facet of life, and that is laudable, if more people felt as strongly about that as you then the world would be a better place.

                      • +1

                        @AustriaBargain: Can’t even stick to the topic you little

                        You misquoted me and suggested that I felt sick and was complaining about ‘gays and lesbians’.
                        You doubled down by disingenuously quoting my comment about degeneracy was somehow directed towards one group when I clearly was talking about humanity in general.
                        You have no spine.
                        And you can only behave like this anonymously on the internet and never irl.

                      • @AustriaBargain: What's this 12% proportional stat? Are you wanting more? What's high enough to make you happy and that you think will satisfy your feelings of inequality? How do you define what proportion it "should" be?
                        Answer:There isn't one. It's just a stat. Actually I'd love to know the increase on that and the time period.

                        • @cookie2: 8% of men admit same sex attraction or experience, 15% of women, so averages out to about 12% of population willing to admit same sex attraction or experience.

                  • @Gervais fanboy: I didn't report because I'd prefer ppls words, convos and disagreements to be seen. Removing 1 comment will remove the rest.
                    We have too much hidden and sometimes only the loudest get heard.
                    It's important for ALL sides and opinions to be heard. Even if they're twisted.

                    • +1

                      @cookie2: I fully agree with you matey..
                      I made a point about how this little donut can go about openly slandering people like he does and still never gets reported because the people that report and mass-neg comments here, are all the people that agree with his mindless drivel.

                      Was hoping, he’d understand how tolerant intolerant these lot are.
                      Anyways, no point in me saying anything. He’s probably been hiding under his bed since I called him out for his lies. He’ll do anything but take accountability.

            • -1

              @AustriaBargain: Bigots abound. Hate indig.Hate non hetero.
              Must be a shedload of vociferous Vic members here.
              How predictably sad (infantile) that ppl can hate and spend O2 trying to justify how someone else's existence as themselves in their own skin somehow threatens theirs.
              How hating something/someone that/who takes nothing from yourself, or impacts in anyway on you, is a sign of weakness. You know a bigot as soon as they use the word woke.

      • +2

        Black daughter of black NBA player screamed as opposing, and mostly black, opposition attempted free throws. It worked. Not futile. They missed far more than they usually did.

        As you can tell by how many times I used the word black, this was of course not racist, since as everyone knows, black people can not be racist in current year, unless they go "death con" on Jews, then it's racist. The solution being to watch Jonah Hill movies. Racism solved.

    • I thought your comment was a joke. But you didn't follow up to then make the joke clear.

      • -1

        Not worth commenting on OZB if there is no booze

    • There are plenty of openly gay players playing Australian Rules football. I haven't noticed any getting booed by the crowd.

  • +10

    Not worth going to the footy if there is no booze

    • +2

      If I wanted to buy a few drinks at the footy id probably need to take out 2nd mortgage on my house it is so expensive

      • BYO

  • +10

    Booing is not racist.

    It is the opposite of cheering…

    If booing is banned, so should be cheering…

    • +5

      Cheering and clapping are bad in current year too. Have you considered jazz hands?

    • +1

      Cheering is positive, booing is negative. There's no 'logic' that says we should have to treat them equally.

      It's the same reason OzBargain will show you who has +ed and comment but not who has -ved one.

    • Let's get real here.
      This story (and the previous versions of it) is not about booing, nor cheering.
      It is about booing certain special people.
      They want some people to be immune from any reaction but adulation.
      I wonder why?

      • They want some people to be immune…

        Who are "They"?

        • The people pushing the anti-booing some people thing.

          • +1

            @Almost Banned: Ok, but is that the AFL administrators, or the sporting club, or the sportsperson, or the general population, or the media, or the kids at school, or the sportsperson's parents,…?

  • +5

    In current year everything is racist.

    • +3

      That girl who called the indigenous player an ape, and people throwing bananas at indigenous players, I think these are indisputably racist actions. Although humans are literally apes so I don't think it's quite the insult racists intend to it be, but I think the hateful intent is the real point rather than the accuracy of the biological taxonomy.

      • -3

        If she said goon, or mook, or thug, or some other knuckle dragging, low intellect thing, would it have been racist? Did she even intend it to be racist? Does it matter? What if the races were reversed?

        As for throwing things, I have less of a problem with the things being bananas, and more of a problem with things being thrown at all. Unlike words, which are fine, throwing physical things can be dangerous and should not be tolerated.

        • -2

          "Porch monkey" is a racist slur that has been used in the USA, so yes, the connotation of ape/monkey is most definitely racist.

          • -3

            @newjerseydamo: I know it might be hard for some apes, but monkeys and apes are not the same thing. Have a banana, supposedly brain food.

            The real issue is that a grown man's feelings, and a well paid public figure at that, needed to be protected from the sledging of a 13yo girl. This is Australia in current year.

            • @[Deactivated]: Please show me where I said they were the same thing?

              Or do I need to be so specific and write "the connotation of an ape or monkey", or is it hard for some apes to understand writing?

              Or is it just a way for you to throw insults at people to make yourself feel better?
              You also clearly don't understand the slurs that exist either.

              • @newjerseydamo: See the /? That means one or the other, the functional equivalent. Why even mention it if you didn't think it was the same thing.

                You didn't answer any of my questions either. You seem to be a waste of time. I will not be responding to you further.

        • +1

          Someone please think of the monkeys! Poor monkeys being referred to as low intellect. 😔 And that they go crazy for bananas.
          Look I think this is a bit of a faux pas. Unfortunately the words monkey, baboon etc have been used to express racism by people, past and present. They're also words that are used to express someone acting silly or otherwise. I would affectionately call my nephew a monkey if he did something silly. But I may call someone a baboon if they were being an idiot. I think a) it's all about context and b) it's about the norms for the group. Ie. If a variety of players get called a monkey then monkey isn't about the skin colour or physical features but if only a select group of individuals (that all have darker skin) are being called monkeys, then that's someone being racist.
          Overall I think we're a lot more accepting of peoples racial differences than previous, which is great because we're all increasingly squished together with our clashing values and norms 😬 i just hope we can continue to find happy mediums.

        • oh please she knew EXACTLY what she meant when she called him an ape. She used a phrase she knew would hurt, you can’t call back on the “wELL AcKsHuLLy All hUmANs ArE MoNkeYs” excuse.

    • Well spotted. + to you

  • +3

    Omg someone chose option 3!

    Utter stupidity. Slating the opposition is part of being a fan and has been for history before us.

    Any woke benzona who thinks differently need not apply

    • +2

      Omg someone chose option 3!
      Utter stupidity.

      It may have been on Footy Classified where I heard it, but one of the panel actually suggested to allow booing, but not to indigenous players.

      Wouldn't doing that be racist ????

      • What if everyone shouted Boourns instead?
        Probably ageist :-)

        • What about shouting Booze ?

          (Because they don't like getting beer in plastic cups of course…)

          • @jv: I know someone called Boo. What if i see him at a game and want to get his attention? Am i racist?

  • +4

    From sticks and stones to go woke
    Cant handle the heat then get the flap out of there
    I am not talking about true racism or bullying. Clapping, cheering, booing is a way of showing your support or lack of.
    Football is already heading towards soccer may as well go for the full bud light

  • +6

    I personally do not boo another team. What we do at the footy is say “thanks for coming, because without you turning up, there would be no game.”

    As for option 3, if you are booing just becuse they are an indigenous player, 100% racist. If you are booing because they missed an easy gimme goal or kicked it out on the full for no reason or shirt fronted/high tackled another player, no problem.

    While I understand that other people want to boo players and refs at sporting matches, I let them have at it. The only time I have an issue with it is when I am at the junior games and bogans are booing 8yo kids. There is a time and a place for booing another team, and that isn’t at 8yo kids nor their 15yo ref.

    • if you are booing just becuse they are an indigenous player, 100% racist.

      And how many people do you thing would fall into that category in 2023??? 0.0001% maybe…

      • Irrelevant. Not what I was talking about… I said, IF you are booing solely based on the colour of a players skin, you are 100% being racist, this has nothing to do with how many of them make up the population of the crowd.

        And for you JV, what is an acceptable amount of racists to allow into a sporting venue? Any other groups we should allow in if the % is small enough? Nazi maybe?

        • Irrelevant

          It's very relevant, because essentially, booing today is almost never due to racism…

          I'm booing Toby Greene this week.

          I hope he doesn't identify as aboriginal, or I might be in trouble…

          • +1

            @jv: Read it again, JV. I am not saying people who boo at sporting games are racists, I said; "IF the reason you are booing a player at a sporting event is because that player is indigenous, then you are a racist.

            If you are booing someone because of a dirty or dangerous play, then you are booing the players action, not the colour of the players skin…

            I hope he doesn't identify as aboriginal, or I might be in trouble

            Irrelevant if he does. Are you booing Toby because he played like a shitbag and drove a guys head into the ground or are you booing him based on nothing more than the colour of his skin? You see, one is "booing the player for their actions" and one is "just being a (fropanity) racist", big difference, no "ratio of racists in the crowd" needed.

            • @pegaxs:

              IF the reason you are booing a player at a sporting event is because that player is indigenous, then you are a racist.

              and I said:

              And how many people do you thing would fall into that category in 2023??? 0.0001% maybe

            • @pegaxs:

              Are you booing Toby because he played like a shitbag and drove a guys head into the ground or are you booing him based on nothing more than the colour of his skin?

              Because I don't like him.

              Like I don't like Papley or Buddy.

  • +3

    If the opposition supporters are booing you then you must be doing something they don't like (i.e. winning/scoring).
    Take it as a complement and move on, kick that goal, cross that finish line first.
    As for the 'abuse' player are getting, their opposition on the field would be giving out worse (because they're 1m away and you can actually hear them).

    • +2

      If the opposition supporters are booing you then you must be doing something they don't like

      Yeah, like trying to decapitate one of your players in a dangerous tackle.

      Take it as a complement

      What ???

      • Yeah, like trying to decapitate one of your players in a dangerous tackle.

        Nice of you to cut off my comment to suit your argument, well done.

        • +4

          well done.

          Thank you…

  • +2

    It’s not that hard really is it?
    The odd boo focussed on the play - or crap umpiring is fine.

    Any booing about anything else is pathetic - I’ve always thought that it is a pretty public poor reflection on the individual who does it.

    • Oops - forgot that booing Stuart Broad on to the field in Australia was almost mandatory. If we didn’t he’d be confused

  • +3

    If the AFL don't understand Franklin is being booed because he is a former star who way pass his time and can't play for shit . Not because he is aboriginal . The Swan are the Idiots that paid for it in their salary cap the last couple years.
    Steward going to be booed this week because he was outed 4 weeks for smashing a Richmond player last year . Already the AFL is worried . Nothing to do with racism.

    • They (you know who THEY ) said the same thing about Goodes. He was targeted. It's Franklins turn, apparently.In between the spineless racist attacks on social media every week.
      Even Collingwoods own players experienced internal racism. Same at Hawthorn.

  • +8

    Opposition = boo
    Player sucks = boo
    Foul call = boo
    đŸ‘» = boo

  • +7

    These guys get paid more than enough to handle a few boos.

  • +5

    I think booing should be banned, why are you trying to scare the players while they are busy playing sportsball, it seems rather unnecessary.

  • +4

    First and Last are equal place first place, but BRING BACK THE STREAKERS !!!

    • +1

      I think that streakers should be treated as points. Game play stops and all players focus on the streaker… The higher up the tackle, the more points are awarded. maximum points for coat hanger tackles, but only is both of the streakers feet leave the ground.

  • 'Booing' is neither here nor there - I can't imagine any pro athlete worth their salt will bemoan being boo'd by a bunch of randoms.

    What does go over the line though is this mentality that as you paid for a ticket you can with complete amnesty & confidence spout near whatever you like to these pro athletes with zero consequences.

    The number of times you see a flabby, well past it, never was screaming blue murder at a player with such hatred and venom - when if it were on a street they'd NEVER dream of acting so badly as they'd know real world consequences would apply - and rightly so.

    I'm personally all for the occasional player who decides enough is enough and shows the mouthy fan the difference between them in a Darwinian manner. It's all fine to support your team and go against the opposition but common sense needs to apply or consequences should occur.

    • complete amnesty & confidence spout near whatever you like to these pro athletes with zero consequences.

      As long as you're not doing anything illegal, why not ?

    • when if it were on a street they'd NEVER dream of acting so badly as they'd know real world consequences would apply - and rightly so.

      Players do stuff on the field that they'd never do in the street either…
      Like charging into a player with the ball and knocking them into the next century…

      Same thing…

      • Tad overly simplistic - and overlooks the fact that the players are all accepting of these mutual actions - you only have issues between the players when one of them goes outside of whats considered acceptable e.g a high tackle etc.

        Completely different when you have Joe Bloggs deciding to spit at a player as he runs past, tossing an object at them or telling him what he thinks of his Mother's personal hygiene.

        Players don't sign up accepting to cop such stuff and nor should they - boo, tell them they suck etc - but we all know when it's gone too far but then these folks expect they'll be magically protected - seems a tad optimistic to me.

  • +2

    If they’re booing purely because of race or sexual identity, it’s not ok.

    If they’re booing someone with a shit personality, or because of their skill in the game, and they happen to not be white or straight, that’s just a coincidence.

    Unfortunately, some people claim it’s the latter, when really it’s the former. So it’s very much a blurry line.

    • Look at the pattern at 'who' is getting booed the most. The target graph is going up at the same rate as the latest round of gutless racist attacks.
      There's no blurred line at all.

  • If it is directed only on a single player of a single team why?

    Why not the whole team? The whole team is the opposition not just that one player, why is one single player (who is always different to those that are doing the booing) singled out.

  • +1

    I like Boo-ing, it is the best stress relieving process. But i only Boo the refs.

    "F you, you muthaf piece of shat ref…" Woo i feel great…

    • +1

      But i only Boo the refs.

      Have we now changed the topic to soccer ?

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