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RSPCA NSW Half Price Adoptions This Weekend!


Hi All,

Just saw this on the news… Great way to give your family some extra Christmas cheer + give a critter another chance!

Adoption prices are displayed under each individual animal's page (mostly).

Remember Animal ownership is a serious thing, a friend for life!

"What have you wished for this Christmas? The latest phone? A new handbag? Another pair of socks?
The animals within our shelters wish for the same thing every year… to find their forever #HomeFurXmas.
So this weekend we have halved our adoption prices to help these animals find their furever families.
You can adopt Anabel (pictured) and other animals at half price from our shelters, care centres and select Petbarn locations."
- https://www.facebook.com/RSPCANewSouthWales

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RSPCA New South Wales
RSPCA New South Wales

closed Comments

  • +46

    OMG! This would be the worst time to be doing 'cheap' pets. How many will be going right back there in a few weeks!

    • Agreed, can't see how this is a good deal at all

    • +12

      That was my initial thought too but shelters are overwhlemed atm… hence why they halved the rates…

      If the shelters stay the same the outcome for the animals doesn't change unfortunately.

      Hence why I emphasised Animal ownership being a serious thing…

      • +2

        According to the news program (SBS), they are actually losing money doing this… they didn't elaborate on it though

        • +1

          I've noticed they started selling Pet insurance too… didn't realise that existed…

        • +16

          OMG! This would be the worst time to be doing 'cheap' pets. How many will be going right back there in a few weeks!

          while i agree and was going to post the same thing ive been thinking about it, they are going to get over run anyway and a lot of these animals would get put down anyway plus there animals are all desexed where as if the parents went to get little johnny a pet cat from a store/backyarder they wouldnt be thus making the problem even worse again in the future.

          say its only a 50% success rate from this sale, at least the 50% that come back again later will be at "not x-mas time" so might have a better chance later on to get re'rehomed?

          its not really rspca's fault, its the shithouse owners of pets not taking there responsibility seriously with desexing/vaccinations/training etc. if only they would regulate pet owners rather than trying to regulate breeds etc.

        • +4

          It's (pet insurance) meant to be a pretty good thing.

          A lot of people buy pets, and don't factor in the cost of medical care.

          And then as soon as something happens, they basically go…"Oh whoops, I'm not going to pay $500 for the surgery, because I let my dog eat the Christmas tree…guess he'll have to die."

          Look, pets cost money - and it's not just the cost of the food. In my opinion, they're a luxury, not a right.

          If you can't be responsible, and factor in the cost of looking after your pet, then you probably shouldn't be owning one.

        • +1

          This is not recent. We've had our older 'adoptee' now for nearly 8 years, and it was an option when we got him from there then.

          As pet insurances go, it's not the cheapest, and when we were shopping for home insurance, the inclusions the added pet insurance were something that we took into account. It's generally only a couple of $ a week extra on home or contents insurance.

        • -1

          Actually a growing number of pet owners worldwide are refusing to vaccinate. Apparently they are realising many maladies pets contract are caused by vaccines.

        • It is generally advised by veterinary bodies that dogs should only be vaccinated every 2 to 3 years, as too frequent vaccination CAN lead to liver problems etc

          BUT there are exceptions, such as areas where there is a high risk of disease.

          It is people who don't vaccinate at all that place the lives of pups too young to be vaccinated themselves, at risk.

          A dog with parvo, or any of the other diseases they vaccinate against is not something any pet owner would want to go through.

        • dogs should only be vaccinated every 2 to 3 years

          link to source? every vet ive known says every year no exceptions

          as for the rest, i agree. i think it should be mandatory if you own pets (cats/dogs/rabbits) to have them vaccinated. parvo is a horrid thing to die from.

        • You should research it yourself nosdan. This is common topic and 3 vets I've raised the subject agree yearly vaccines are unnecessary but its standard practice in Australia (profit) - not america though who vaccinate 3 yearly. Also there is some informed opinion that only vaccine is neccesary in early years.

          I get the 3 year vaccine because my dogs meet a lot of dogs and heartworm but my vet said he hasn't seen heartworm since 80's so its probably unnecessary in our area as its wiped out.

          Vaccines don't stop those diseases but reduce severity and unvaccinated dogs have a much higher fatality rate with parvo

    • +7

      Its good to have cheap pets from the shelters.. its BAD to have cheap pets from the pet stores as Either way they end up back at the shelters.. better "some" find a new home and "some" come back VS non do and more from pet stores fill the shelter.

    • +3

      At least they get a home for Christmas…

    • No this is the perfect time to get people to adopt a pet rather than buy one from a pet shop.

      They get heaps of animals dropped off over the holidays, any they cant rehome now will be put down. What is the worst case, they end up back at the shelter? No big deal, at least the family will have learnt some responsibility and the pet has had a chance at a new life rather then being put down.

  • -1

    What does that work out to be per kg? Would have to be pretty good to beat this deal: https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/121910

    • how many metropolitan councils allows livestock as pets?

      • +1

        I've seen a couple of goats living behind an office block… used to see them on my daily commute

    • +1

      Actually saw someone selling goats earlier on gumtree for $90 each, maybe check there.

      • +4

        selling to eat or keep as a pet. two totally different things.

        now if we were allowed to eat pets, then that would solve the overcrowding in the animal shelters.

    • Will Office Works price match?

  • +3

    $10 for a chicken hardly worth it. You can get one cooked for $10

    I did once have a pet rooster it was a cheeky little bugger. Once it got a little older it woudn't let you pick it up instead dodge and run away.

    When your gardening ie digging the soil it would hang around just out of reach.. if you dug a worm or grub it would rush in grab it and then do a runner.

    • +5

      Sounds like a typical ozbargainer. :P

  • -7

    Are they free from rabies?

    • +11

      They are free of rabies, yes. Are you worried about giving it to them?

  • +12

    Buy a half price pet for yourself but not as a gift

    • +4

      Truth, a very irresponsible thing to do when people buy pets for others without proper analysis or consent and then the recipient dumps them when it becomes to difficult or the cuteness wears off.

      Too many idiots with this stupid mentality.


    • +1

      Yes, that would be terrible finding out after you get it that you already knew what you were going to give yourself.

  • Most of the dogs are old, large and/or aggressive breeds particularly at yagoona and they should not be sold to families in my humble opinion. Not the rspas fault as they can't control which animals are dumped. And the shelter stank of dog poo and urine. Appalling. I did note that they are doing it up so may be temporary.

    I also agree that this is a terrible initiative right before Christmas. I can only assume they are "clearing the decks" to get all the post-christmas animals in, which will undoubtedly include the very dogs they are selling.

    • +1

      Aggressive dogs are not re-homed, they are put down. (edit: apparently there are some places that try to rehome anything, stupid idea).

      The pounds i have been to all had a wide range of dogs there. We got our currnet purebred english staffy at one, she would have been under 2yo at the time and one of the best natured dogs you are likely to meet.

    • +1

      That's a very toxic attitude and false information. You obviously don't have much to do with any animal organization but I wouldn't be surprised if your attitude comes from you being a breeder and trying to justify your actions.

      Most sick and aggressive dogs are euthanized. Its not viable to waste funds retraining aggressive dogs at the expense of good dogs finding a home.

      Little dogs come in all the time and are either adopted quickly or taken by foster.

      Older dogs are rare, don't expect puppies though they do come in. Most dogs are dumped straight after puppyhood. There is nothing wrong with old dogs or large dogs. Just because you have a preference for throw away yapyap puppies don't force your toxic views on everyone that dogs are no good for families and they are aggressive.

      The breed Size and age preference is up to the individuals seeking one. Your preference is not the only right one.

  • +2

    If you cannot afford to adopt a pet at full price, might mean you probably cannot take care of it's ongoing expenses and emergency vet bills.

    • +11

      But if you were going to get one anyways, Bargain!!!!

      • +6

        If you cannot afford to adopt a pet at full price, might mean you probably cannot take care of it's ongoing expenses and emergency vet bills.

        wow, i have no idea why you got so many negs for this, you are in fact completely correct. generally the cheaper the animal is to purchase the less "value" the owners see in it.

        as for vet bills, ive had surprise $2k vet bills before plus the yearly visits and checkups etc etc, its nothing unusual. but then again my pets come before anything else. not every owner thinks like that.

        • Very true. For example, some people will take their pet birds to avian specialists for appropriate treatment when they are sick. However, many do not understand the idea of taking pet birds to a vet since many owners do not see the "value" in their animal.

        • +5

          He voted neg, so he got negged. It's a very valid comment, but no reason to neg this deal.

  • +2

    There is a very cute kitty at petbarn bankstown, about 8 weeks old, vac, chipped and desexed for $70. She is very affectionate!

    Apparently they are doing kittens cheap instead of them being put down.

  • If your going to buy a pet, please get anything but a yapping rat dog. The quota has been filled

  • -5

    Any turkies available for adoption.
    If not I guess a dog will do though it is a bit chewy

  • +3

    For those interested in adopting cats please remember that cats are indoor pets, for their own good and for the good of the environment, Cats that are let out doors are exposed to all sorts of risks, the most graphic being dog attack. If you don't believe me contact your council and request reports of dangerous dogs; many of these incidents are dog attacks on cats and the council usually can't identify the dog.

    Also remember to ensure that your cat is desexed and vaccinated.

    • -7

      For those interested in adopting cats please remember that cats are outdoor pets, for their own good and for the good of the environment, even though cats that are let out doors are exposed to all sorts of risks, dog attacks are very rare. If you don't believe me, don't bother contacting your council and request reports of dangerous dogs; blabla scaremonger blablabla.

      Also remember to ensure that your cat is desexed and vaccinated.

      • +2

        Gee ELWircho…aren't you a bit of w@#ker ? I hope you aren't an outside animal and are desexed.

    • Not sure if the dog attacks are mostly on cats.

      We adopted a kitten not long ago, my pitt (also adopted) went for a sniff and the kitten went nuts! She went into a full tiger crane pose ready to ninja.

      Mums cat will not back down to the dog either. Inside or out. Outside there are lots of trees and cars to hide under.

      However having said that, there is a douch in the area with a German and husky that seems to be "hunting" stray cats.

      • -1

        That douch is doing good community service. Cats are indoor pets. I'm sick of people who let their cats hunt wildlife and their neighbors pets then use their neighbors lawns ad toilets then go around fighting all night. Keep your cat indoors or in a cat run.

        • I see where you are coming from, but he is also teaching his dogs how to pack hunt. Most dog cant/wont differentiate between cats, small dogs or other small animals or dare I say, even a small child. Admittedly that would be a very unlikely scenario. Not only this, we live in one of the most populated suburbs in Sydney with little to no wild life. If anything, they can make a mess of bins.

          All cats arnt hunters. Mums cat might bring in a mouse once a year. She is getting old and sleeps most of the time and isn't very active. If you know your cats a hunter most use bells, no one wants their cat to bring a bird in at 3am and dump it on your pillow.

          Cats sleep atleast 70% of the day, so according to you they are hunting wild life, neighbours pets and shitting in your garden the other 30%, that's one massive dump dude.

          In fact, dogs can be worse for wild life. Our old German would kill every blue tongue it came across. Most of the time we were too late. In school holidays I recall it could be 2-3 per week!

          If the guy is so good for our community, how about you come and cull the cats yourself and see how the community reacts to you.

  • +1

    The RSPCA has a lot of well paid execs and kills a lot of animals. I prefer to support Pets Haven. http://www.petshaven.org.au/ (That's where all of our cats are from) I'm sure there are other worthy no-kill animal shelters besides Pets Haven too.

    • +3

      It's not like they want to kill them. But if the funds aren't there what choice do they have?

      • +2

        and kills a lot of animals

        i hate this uninformed opinion people put forward because they dont understand the law of supply and demand..

        lets say rspca gets 100 animals every week, 10 of those animals are for what ever reason "feral" and will attack a person, what should they do with these animals?

        of the remaining 90 animals each and every week theres only 20 people come in looking for a pet to the shelter.

        what do you suggest the shelter does with the other 70 animals it takes in each and every week?

        i dont know about pets haven specifically but what a lot of these sort of places do is cherry pick only the best animals and guess where the "bad" ones go? thats right to the rspca etc because rspca will take any animal…

        please think and take some time to learn before you make uninformed opinions. comments like yours above only make the problems worse.

      • One choice would be for them to spend less paying their executives and more offering 1/2 price desexing.

        They could also lobby to make it illegal for landlords to discriminate against pets that are reasonable for the property e.g. having a desexed cat in a flat is reasonable having a pitbull is not. This would increase demand for adoptions.

        They could do more to support 'Oscar's Law' and other legislation to shut down breeders thereby reducing supply. The government (until recently in Vic) had no problem artificially creating a shortage of cab services to keep supply down/licence prices high.

        These are just a few ideas. I'm sure people can come up with more.

        I also note that some no-kill animal shelters will often euthanise terminally ill animals or totally feral animals but they don't kill healthy animals.

  • +2

    Great way to give your family some extra Christmas cheer

    It is, but please don't give any of this 'Christmas cheer' without checking with the intended recipient or their parent first.

    • -3

      Pffft whatever, they could end up killing the animal anyway if you don't adopt it plus RSPCA make 2x the sales!

  • +2

    Thanks OP, bought 4!


    • +1

      You bought the chickens, didn't you?

  • -4

    Great, just what we need. More dog faeces and vomit on the footpath and beach around here, not to mention dogs walking up to you/your belongings and urinating because owners remove the lead immediately upon reaching the beach and the mongrels run ahead in urine-release heaven.

    "Sorry about that. But I don't think anything came out." Was what the women said last week when her fluffy-tailed mutt cocked its leg on my toddler's sand castle, probably spraying some of it on him too, seeing he was crouched down inside it with his face only 20cm from her portable urine factory on legs.

    • +1 I actually agree with you.

      Of course it's not the dog's fault I just wish irresponsible bogan animal owners could be euthanised instead of the animals :-)

      • -1

        I get negged for not wanting my kids stepping in disgusting dog's poop. While you get a +ve for suggesting a euthanization program for irresponsible pet owners. LOL!

        • +2

          Obviously the negs are not for "not wanting my kids stepping in dog's poop" - which you didn't even say and which trivializes your entire comment. People hate your dog bashing attitude. People probably mostly agreed with not liking the faeces/urine. Responsible owners clean up and train dogs.

          steveOh just solved your problem, I don't see the irony there?

          The fact you can't distinguish irresponsible owners actions from good dogs/owners is ignorant.

          I did not neg you but my rescued dog is not contributing to your discomfort so don't imply that they all do.

          you act like they are manufacturing more dogs which they are not, in fact they train dogs to be better, euthanise sick/aggressive dogs and rehome responsibly.

        • Sorry I didn't mention landmines in my first message. I guess urine splashing in a toddler's face wasn't disgusting enough, LOL!

          Speak a negative about dogs and many owners assume you are a 'dog basher'. But the local council wants to ban dogs from the beach, and we were going to sign a petition to keep them there. (When we don't even own one ourselves.)

          But then yesterday there it all was again. At least a dozen piles of poop along the beach, or path leading to it. Their owners are even too damn lazy to pull their dog's leash to the grass beside the footpath. The grass isn't good enough. They must drop their steaming pile of processed PAL right in the middle of the concrete.

          Sadly it proves it doesn't matter how many 'good' owners there are. I now think all dogs should be banned from all public areas, because there is no way to separate 'good' owners from 'bad' ones.

        • +1

          Stereotyping again. If you think there is no way to separate good owners from bad owners then I'll say it again: your being plain ignorant.

        • !? If it's ignorant then please enlighten me how to make sure only 'good' dog owners (that pick up their dog's mess) take their animals into public places.

          Let's be honest. Some dog/car/kid/cat/etc owners will get upset no matter how something is said.

        • +1

          Fines orders and enforcements. Education.

          if you like you could shame anyone you see doing it, give them plastic bags.

          I really hate snotty little screaming kids digging up our beaches so we should ban all kids from public.

        • I really hate snotty little screaming kids digging up our beaches so we should ban all kids from public.

          hell yea id vote for that. i hate those things. my furkids are much more respectful, cleaner, quieter and just downright better beings.

          dogs are the best people (pro points for the recovery version anyone?)

        • Those things are already in place and are not working. Which is probably why the local council is considering banning them altogether - although really I don't know why they even bother talking about it, since they won't enforce it anyway. (Dogs are already supposed to be on a lead on the beach but it's a rare sight.)

  • Has anyone rung up to see whether Officeworks will price match yet?

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